He cant expect you to just hand her over, hes a stranger to her. Well him disappearing at the first mention of money speaks for itself! I dont believe kids should be held to ransom but in your case he's shown no commitment whatsoever and I certainly wouldnt be handing over my baby to somebody who I believed would not place her first and give her the level of care I gave her.

Ex used to see DD every couple of weeks or so until a landlady of his local pub approached me and told me that when he had her he'd DRIVE to the pub and plonk her on the pool table whilst he sat at the bar (she was 2!) I stopped access IMMEDIATELY and told him to take me to court as I wanted the courts to lay down the conditions i.e to abstain from alcohol during contact periods. In the interim I was prepared to take DD to his fathers so he could see her there. He never bothered quell surprise!

Once when she was about 5 or 6 he was on about picking her up, on a MOTORBIKE!!!! OMG what a d1ck! She's made her own decision now and has a lovely stepdad who's been more of a father to her than ex ever was.
i no yeh i havent heard from him in ages now the thought of aqtualyl givin me any money must of scared him lol
n im glad u doing well now just shows that not all men are completely useless lol
no ive got a good one now as well. met him when kieran was 5. kieran's sperm donor was a total w**ker. when i went to the csa he told them that he wasnt the dad and that i was a s**t .
omg :evil: thats evil how cna he say that men am such w**kas at times but i think ive found a good 1 now :D

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