
GPs can be right w**kers. It costs like a tenner a bloody bottle ffs. If it works I'd try again, maybe try a different GP or maybe an HV might be able to help.

Will get it in the post tomorrow. It says on the box 'from birth' so the docs can shove it lol

Haha yeah! Yeah if it works will ask the HV. I was using infacol and my midwife turned round and said she was too young for it even though it said from birth! xxx
They don't like giving newborns anything, Oz had choking problems at 2 weeks old and they refused to do anything. I left the GPs in tears lol. I guess they're used to seeing it all n that, but it doesn't help a new mum!!

No it doesn't. Awww bless ya a think i would of aswell! I noticed they don't like giving them anything...its not them listening to a screaming baby in pain though is it. xxx
That just reminded me. One thing that OH used to do when Oz wouldn't stop crying was balance him on one hand sitting up and, with LO slightly tilted forward and his chest resting on the other hand really really gently bounce him. Someone told him to try it and it worked.

It only stopped him crying temporarily but it gave us a bit of a break! God knows why it worked but it did!
Ooo thanks might have to try that!!! She settled a bit better last night but only because she was lying on her belly on me and she kept waking up screaming so i would just comfort her. Was better than the other night! xxx
Try rocking her side to side while winding her too hun, that helped xx
How was she last night? And after the dentinox? I posted the colief yesterday, I just put it in 1st class, was gonna do recorded but then thought if you werent in you'd have the hassle of either redlivery or collecting it and the post office woman said it wouldn't be any quicker recorded anyways.

Fingers crossed it turns up today.

That night spent the night in hosp as she was just choking on her milk and stopped breathing when choking i had to tip her forward and pat her back until she took a breathe again! Shes still in pain but its not as bad, HV has said i should use the colief as its better so i may start it tomorrow it will be so much easier to put drops in her mouth than to use that spoon to put the dentinox in her mouth as i melted the syringe in the steriliser lmao. Thank you for the colief, will let you know if it helps. xxx
Sorry to hear LO was in the hospital, hope she's doing ok now?

Oz had a similar choking thing when he was newborn, but his was choking on his own saliva :shock: That's what I ran out the doctors in tears for coz the doctor didn't believe me, luckily OH had seen it so I knew I wasn't going mad, we couldn't sleep him on his back til about 2 months ago!!

Fingers crossed the colief does the trick! xxxx
Colief goes in the bottle hun dentonox does too its.much Easyer although Colief needs to be.warm and.sat for 30 mins for it to work. Gooduck hun x x
Awww hun that must of been awful!
Yeah she is ok now little bugger, was just a scare.
Haven't started her on it yet as OH gave her some dentinox so didn't want to mix.
I leave the hot water in the bottles and put them on the side and add the milk when i need it so its at room temperature.
How would i do this with the Colief? Could i add it in the water while the boiled water was hot and leave it all day until she has a bottle? Hope i don't have to start warming them was a nightmare last time as it took ages and she would scream lol. xxx
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