

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Every night latley, during the day a little bit but mostly at night Lacey SCREAMS. Tonight she has been screaming since half 8 :cry:
I have tried everything!
Shes pained i just dunno what to do. I can't keep having nights like this, i'll go round the bend!
I think its wind... can't be sure though! She just won't settle. :wall2::wall2::wall2:
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Sounds like Colic to me too. x
Do you think? no matter how much i wind her she just doesn't burp... she farts alot though! Maybe it is colic... recommend anything good? I can't go on having nights like this and seeing her in pain when theres nothing i can do is awful! xxx
Sounds like colic to me too chick, give your doc a ring they will prescribe something to help, hope you get some sleep xx
We used Dentinox colic drops and gripe water, also keeping him upright for 10 minutes after feeding. Google the 'colic hold' too, that should help a little.

Some of the other girls recommended Colief too, i'm not sure if its a prescription thing though?

Another thing to try is White Noise. Anything goes i suppose, vacumn, hairdryer etc. You can get the white noise app on the iphone, its fab!
Thank you, will deffo have to ring the doctors in the morning. xxx
Infacol helped us, had to use it every feed til oscar was 3 months when he grew out of it. Hope you get a better night tonight xxxx
Hi she slept well after she settled! I've phoned out of hours to see if they will give her anything on prescription. xxx
They said it sounds like colic and to keep on the infacol even though its not helping. They said theres nothing i can do... great stuff, what a waste of time. xxx
It's heartbreaking, but it is something they grow out of.

Infacol takes up to a couple of weeks to reach its full effectiveness so hopefully as the days go by her wind will start coming up easier.

I found it really hard winding Oz when he was so tiny. For me sitting him upright on my knee with one hand really gently holding his tummy in and keeping him up as straight as possible and then gently rubbing his back in circular motion worked best.

Sometimes putting over shoulder so your shoulder gently pushes the tummy in will help push wind up too.

Just gotta work out which way helps her the most hun.

Yeah i try all sorts of positions. She gets it up better with other people... hardly ever for me and lately she never gets any up at all. I sat for over half an hour yestoday and nothing. Its horrible i just want to enjoy her but its making it hard. xxx
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Sometimes there just isn't anything to get up though so don't worry if she doesn't burp every time she's winded.

Also, do you bottle or breast feed? If you bottle feed do you stop after every couple of oz's to wind or after she's finished feeding? If not, maybe try after every couple of oz's so she doesn't get a build up of wind?

Are you bottle feeding? Dr browns bottles are good for colic x
Been using Dr Browns for a few week now. I used to wind her half way into her feed but if i do she won't take no more and falls asleep if i take the bottle out its a struggle to get it back in her mouth when i know she is still hungry... no idea why. I think i'll have to try it though...dreading tonight :( xxx
Hope you had a better night. It doesn't help but just keep telling yourself this is such a small part of it all, she'll grow out of it all soon. They don't stay newborn for long!!

Thanks she never screamed as much but still never settled until half 1 but she let me have a lie in lol. Gonna get some colic stuff today. Thank you for your advice... hope she grows out of it soon. xxx
Forgot to say have you Colief drops? They are quite expensive at a tenner for a tiny bottle but I think they're supposed to be really good. I bought some for Oscar but never used it as he is BF and it was too much hassle to give before feeding, but with FF you can just put in the bottle.

I still have mine and if you want I can send you them to try. The box is sealed and that, never even opened that much lol. If you're interested just pm your address and I'll post them to you.

I think you can get them on prescription so if they work might be worth speaking to your GP or HV for them for free.

PMed you hun. I phoned the doctors and they wouldnt give me anything on prescription... i told them i couldnt afford it and they just said shes too young anyways and theres nothing i can do basically and nothing helps. xxx

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