

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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I'm afraid this has nothing to do with pregnancy etc but it does have alot to do with the in-laws to be! I am cooking a roast pork dinner today but the joint I have is rather large. According to the instructions it says to cook every 450g for 35 mins + 30 mins. The joint is 2.75kg in weight. If I have done my maths correctly I have worked this out at 4 hours for the joint to cook. Is this right? Any help would be greatly appreciated as being pregnant myself I need the meat to be cooked properly etc and obviously don't want to "poison" any of the family!

Thanks in advance :)
I have had several bad experiences cooking roasts as when I do them, they never cook all the way through in the time it says so what we now do is put them in as soon as possible the day we're having them and leave them at about 150 degrees all day, for about 5-6 hours, maybe giving it a blast at 190 to crunch up the outside for half an hour before we eat.

Good luck with it!!
thanks! well bearing in mind we are hoping to have this meal around the 6.30pm mark I have about an hour and a half to cook it at the current worked out calculations! It says to cook it on 190 so if need be could always up it to 200-220 i guess for last half hour? It's my own fault for buying such a huge joint but it was an offer that you just couldn't refuse! :lol:
just to let you know, dinner turned out lovely apparently! went down well with in laws to be so that was good! x

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