Help - This has never happened before


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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I need some advice pls.

Me and OH have been trying for about 18months now for a baby and I was due my period on 22nd Oct (my periods are usually regular give or take a few days), but on 11th October i started spotting - i didnt realise but noticed when i wiped in the toilet - this went on for about 3-4 days and then on Tuesday 18th Oct i thought i started my period and since then it is been very very light at first it was dark brownish color and now its more like a dark red color. This morning I thought it had finished and went to the gym and after there was a bit more blood but thin blood - Im really worried as to why this is happening to me.

I havent done a PT as i thought i was just ahving a light period, but I dont feel different so I pobs am not :(

Has anyone ever experienced this? any advice would be really appreciated x
I'm wondering if maybe you didn't ovulate so your progesterone levels didn't rise and fall like they should have to trigger a proper bleed so instead you are losing the lining very slowly over a long period of time instead.

I think you should probably take a pregnancy test just in case and if not then start on the OPKs (if you want to use them).

It is normal for sometimes OV not to happen and it can impact your bleed but then the next cycle you'll be fine again.
Thanks for the advice Louise B. I will do a PT tomorrow.

I also have my firstappointment with the gyno on 4th Nov - any advice as to what sort of tests they will do on me?

I have never used OPK's, main reason which sounds so sill is I dont know how they work or how to use them! :$

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