Help really need advice about a job


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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I dont know where to start!

I went for an interview in May and got the job - yay!. It is 2 days a week. It is a good career move and the other reason I wanted to get a job was that I am employed my DH's company (only him who makes the money) and I feel he was under pressure to cover my wages. I only do about 1 or 2 hours work a week for him.

The time has now come after having to have CRB check, references and occupational health clearance for this new job that I have finally got a start date which is on 14th August. The plan is that my mum has my DD one day a week and the other day at nursery.

My DH has said that I do not need to go to work and that he is not under pressure to cover my money.

Im am soooooooooooooo confused what to do.

The benefits of going back to work are: that my husband will be better off £400 per month and I will better off £80 a month. It is a good career move.

The cons about going back to work are: will have to spend more money on petrol and I will have less time with my daughter and time for housework, etc.

Im hoping to have another baby by next year as well.

What shall I do? This is driving me round the bend as I need to make a decision :( :( :( :(
I would start the new job and see how you get on, you may love it and think its the best thing you ever did.
If you decide it's too much and you regret it, just leave :)
If you don't give it a go you might always regret it.....
I agree with Urchin - you have nothing to lose by trying it out and you might find you love it!
Yeah - go for it. Nothing ventured etc..... :hug:
Go for it! Like it has been said you can always leave.

If your worrying about petrol say that £80 covers it so you are still £400 jointly better off

Plus if you want another baby in a year if you go back there is the possibility of SMP / MA :wink:
Thanks :D

Would I be mucking them about more if I went and gave it a go and then didnt like it - that sounds really pessimistic doesnt it :(
LilysMummy said:
Go for it! Like it has been said you can always leave.

If your worrying about petrol say that £80 covers it so you are still £400 jointly better off

Plus if you want another baby in a year if you go back there is the possibility of SMP / MA :wink:

Yes it seems logical about the financial situation.

I wont be able to afford to go back to work if I have 2
Forgot to say, another problem I have at the mo is that I am not talking to my mum so I dont know whether she will be have DD, which would mean another day at nursery :(

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