ive just walked out on my job :/ *UPDATE GOT A NEW JOB!*

You're obviously very bright, confident and motivated. You'll walk into another job no problem and I bet it'll be far better!

These things always happen for a reason hun, something good is about to happen.....mark my words! :wink:
Ah hun I really feel for you... No one deserves to be treated like that... I just found out that I got made redundant in June because of my pregnancy and now they are hiring someone else and I am well p*ssed off... If I had been in your situation I would have walked out too...

Good luck on finding another job though!!!...
There's some cosmic plan going on.........you walked out for the right reasons.

Some lucky employer is going to snap you right up. :D :hug:
Good on you. You don't deserve to be treated like that and they don't deserve to have you! :x

I'm sure you will find a job you love in no time! :hug:
Well got a new job to start on monday, its reception work and only temping but it could lead to permanent, really exited! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Awww well done on your new job!! And well done on leaving that scumbag company!!

Loads of luck for Monday!!! :hug:
Thanks everyone :)

Just got back from sorting out all the paperwork etc ready to start monday and it seems like a really nice place to work, I'm hoping it will become a permanent position just to ease the pressure of job hunting, but we'll see!

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