job interview

if it is under £500 then i will pay it back in full, but i am owed about 8 - 10 days holiday which would be about that so i am not going to panic until i get the figures.
Fingers crossed your holidays will cover whatever the deficit is!!!

hehe sorry I hadnt read page 2 before I posted!

CONGRATULATIONS they rung you so quickly you must have made a good impression. The job sounds great aswell. is it full or part time?
go u!!! well done!!! im sure u wont need 2 pay anythin back(fingers crossed 4 u) :pray: big huge well dones 4 gettin job :D:D:D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Fantastic news!!! Really pleased and excited for you!! :cheer: :cheer:

Emilia xx
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

That is fantastic!!!!

Enjoy that wine! :wink: xx
thanks everyone, and wobbles that piccie is great.

it is full time from 8 to 3.30 and i get half hour for lunch, which is paid for. the plus is that i get more time for my boys.

even better news is that Joshua is walking a whole lot better. he has new cast off in 2 weeks on the 8 August. he refused to walk at first and now he is getting better and better. that is better then any job in the world.

thanks again your support is great

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