help plz???


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi, Iv just found out i'm about 5-6 weeks pregnant and today my boyfriends ex has told him she has chlamydia. They will of both had it about 8 months without knowing. I got tested at the beginning of january and was clear as we were using condoms. I fell pregnant mid January so this means if i have it i will of only had it a few weeks. Im going to A GUM clinic tomorrow for antibiotics but was just wondering if anyone knows if there could be anything wrong with my baby already seeing has he will of had the STI for 8 month. I know it can cause problems if the mother has if for a while during pregnancy or while giving birth but will it have affected his sperm? thanks x
:hug: It's a good thing (well, better than not knowing) that you've found out so early - the main risk is transfer of chlamydia to your baby at birth, so if you do have it and get treatment for it now your baby will be fine, don't worry x
is there a possibility the sperm would be infected and cause trouble with growth etc with the feotus? x
When you have chlamydia it can make a man infertile which clearly hasnt happened to your OH and can make a woman infertile if it goes to pelvic inflamatory diese. but NO it will not affect your baby aslong as you get yourself treated baby will be fine :) i had chlamydia a few months back and got pelvic inflamatory diesese and i thought id end up with an eptopic pregnancy or not beable to have children but here i am nearly 14wks pregnant :) good luck x

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