help pls


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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hi my baby boy was born 3 months early weighing 2lb 9oz hes now 8 months 3 weeks old
and is not doing very well with weaning he will only eat sweet things no savoury and will also
not eat lumpy foods .our hv has advised to keep trying lumpy foods but when we do he gags
and throws a fit any advise please
IIRC weaning a prem baby is all relative to their corrected age (sorry if I'm wrong! :oops: ) so it's still early days. Have you tried mixing sweeat and savoury together? At first Evie would eat apple, banana and pear but not carrot or potato-I started using sweet potato which she loved, then mixed it together with the potato until gradually she got used to the tastes.

Or how about trying a jars? They are sweeter than homemade food.

Hannah was a month prem and i was told to take that off everything she did
thanks girls just confused as hv says corey shoulld wean at the same stage
as a term baby 6months in fact when we started food at 6 months he wasnt to
bad but now hes changed coulld it be down to the fact hes just cut 2 teeth
Hi, sorry I haven't any personal experience to share with you but I know bliss have a leaflet aimed at weaning premature babies. You can download it from their website (and I think, but i'm not sure, that you might be able to contact them for advice as well).
i could have written that, Faith is exactly the same, she eats only bought fruit puree or baby rice or soya yog. Anything else and she will gag and throw it back up!

Fi is nearly 7 months.

Am hoping it'll get better x

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