Help please


Jun 12, 2010
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My h2b and I are ttc, my last period started on the 7th May 2010 it is now the 12th June and no sign of af. I always have a regular 28-30 day cycle and have never missed a period. I did one test on monday eve (very faint line at 4 days late), one test on tues eve (very faint line again) and one test on weds morning and had a positive but fainter than I expect it to be, but a lot darker than the others. I then went to my doctors appointment straight after I had done my last home test and she confirmed that with her test there was a faint line and said I was pregnant but took blood tests to confirm.
The next day my bloods came back inconclusive/borderline .. what the hell does that mean.? The doctor tells me I am but then the bloods which are meant to be more accurate come back with borderline?
I took another different brand test this morning and have 2 different results, 1 negative (I think I may not of pee'd on this one enough as I was half asleep, although my h2b thinks there is a faint line) and 1 positive with a very faint line.
I am moody, irritable tired and have sore nipples (cant usually feel them), brown spots around the edge of my nipple but on my boob, cramping, bloated, , temp of 37.4, back ache, nausea, acid reflux, change of taste and have clear sometimes milky mucus/discharge and more symptoms.
I feel different but I have never been pregnant before so do not know how I am meant to be feeling.
Has anyone else been late with neg/faint lines and been pregnant?
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it may be you ov'd late and the positive will get more stronger do you have to repeat bloods with gp
i took a pregnancy test last saturday, acually i took 3, all very faint lines but this was before my period was due, a faint line is no doubt a line, meaning positive so u are definatly pregnant, however during the week i had a small bleed which i put down to implantation everythin is fie, but i was concerned my hormone levels werent as high as they should be and wondered if thats why i had faint lines, i took another test today and BOOM it showed up staright away, i think i just found out really early, so this will be the case with u, u r pregnant uve just found out early, just do a routine urine sample for the docs next week, mine came back weakly positive earlier in the week butthat still means im pregnant, just early, the sympoms ur experiencing does sound like pregnancy sympoms, its normal, as soon as ur urine results are back they should book an appointment with u to see the midwife, in the meantime take it easy, for the nausia eat little and often rather than big hefty meals. I'm 5 weeks now with my second child and i remember how scared i was with my first, but try and enjoy it and rest

Yeah I have a repeat bloods next week, thank you for replying.

I also have a underactive thyroid gland and they tested that at the same time and I think the borderline was for that and the inconclusive was for the pregnancy test, it was only the receptionist that spoke to me and the doctor wants me to repeat on wednesday.

I also have a huge spot on my chin and I never get them..!!!
Thanks for replying,

This has really helped to put my mind at rest, I have got to go for another blood test on wednesday so will keep you updated.

Yeah I have a repeat bloods next week, thank you for replying.

I also have a underactive thyroid gland and they tested that at the same time and I think the borderline was for that and the inconclusive was for the pregnancy test, it was only the receptionist that spoke to me and the doctor wants me to repeat on wednesday.

I also have a huge spot on my chin and I never get them..!!!

lol same here with spots, i vry rarely get them maybe twice a year and even then its only just one, i broke out in 3 spots all at the same time about a week and a half ago, its not so bad now i think ive just got one lol, i never got that with my first

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