help me clearblue are confusing!!!


May 5, 2006
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If you see a blue line, even a faint one, in the square result window, this means that you are pregnant. The line may be faint blue if you are testing on or around the day your period is due. If you do not see a blue line at all in the result window, it means you are not pregnant. A faint line is caused by a low level of hCG.

did a clearblue test this afternoon and i got a blue line going across which the above says im pregnant but the leaflet says im not!! WTF!!!!
Im going crazy here! the leaflet says i should have like a faint cross showing. But the site says the above! aaarrrgghh!! :wall:
i would go and get a digital one that says pg or not pg then you know for definate some of these tests r really confusing

there are 3 types of clear blue tests, one will show a blue cross if your pregnant, one will show 2 lines if your pregnant, and the 3rd is the digital one.

i dont trust clear blue, it always gave me a neg result when i was prengant, i had to be a few weeks gone for them to work on me

Clear blue does not give a very clear result in my opinion go for First Response, I liked using that one xx
I had a negative response with a predictor test on a friday, but knew I was pregnant...tried again two days later and got a BFP. didnt believe it so drove round for hours on a bank hol sunday eve to find a chemist open and do Clearblue digital...I wanted to see the words PREGNANT for myself. First one was a disaster, so nervous I peed on the test with the cap still on :oops: had to wait an hour to clear to test again!!!! Had three BFP with the digital. Expensive but worth it :D :D :D
You know I know this sounds weird but when I got pregnant I bought a clear blue test and it said negative so then I bought some real cheap ones from my local chemist, the paper dip in your pee test. All 3 I bought said positive.

I honestly think the cheaper ones are the best ones i got a pack of 5 of ebay *dip in pee ones* for 32p all in it only cost 99p for p&p and all 5 of them showd pos
I done 4 clear blue tests and they all came back BFP, it said on the packet that you must get a cross in the result box and all 4 did. I checked with the doctor and done 1 there just in case (BFP aswell).
i've done cheap ones from ebay and the clearblue and both said bfn but still no af :?

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