Help please - more food worries!


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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are these foods ok during pregnancy?

prawns (well fried)
omellettes (runny and still soft)
prawn crackers

I've been eating quite a lot of these lately and i just wanna know if its ok.
laetitia85 said:
are these foods ok during pregnancy?

prawns (well fried)
omellettes (runny and still soft)
prawn crackers

I've been eating quite a lot of these lately and i just wanna know if its ok.

Crisps, prawn carackers and pretzels are OK in moderation - but I would recommend avoiding any that contain monosodiumglutamate (MSG)
Prawns, and other seafood are fine provided it's freshly cooked.
Omelettes, and other egg dishes, should only be consumed if well cooked.
I wasn't sure about brie cheese. It says dont eat the blue brie cheese (haha blue brie - blueberry geddit?) but the brie I wanted to eat wasn't blue. It's all do this and do that it's so confusing, my poor pregnant brain!!
Brie of any sort is mould-ripened and so a no-no during pregnancy!!
Cream cheese or cottage cheese I found to be the best alternatives as they are both pasturised so OK.

Runny omlettes are definately bad, you are only supposed to eat eggs cooked right through and hard!

Prawns are fine if they are fresh and cooked through, it's raw seafood you are supposed to avoid.

Crisps, prawn crackes and pretzels are fine I think, apart from the fact they are still classed as junk food so all in moderation!
this is very helpful thanks ladies. I will have to forget about those yummy ommelettes. the best omelettes are still runny and im an addict! but I don't wana do anything that could potentially harm my baby so the omelettes are OUT!
laetitia85 said:
this is very helpful thanks ladies. I will have to forget about those yummy ommelettes. the best omelettes are still runny and im an addict! but I don't wana do anything that could potentially harm my baby so the omelettes are OUT!

I miss sunny-side-up fried eggs!!! :(
I have found one brand of Brie that my MW says is OK. Its called St Endellion. The only place I can get it round here is from the deli counter in Co op. It is made from pasturised milk, so should be fine (I am eating shed loads of it, so it had better be!)
I was always under the impression that you shouldn't eat prawns at all as they have a high risk of food poisoning, same with all shellfish ie mussels, lobster, crab etc.

You can eat hard cheeses as long as they are pasteurised but you are not to eat soft cheeses due to the risk of listeria.
batgirl3111 said:
I was always under the impression that you shouldn't eat prawns at all as they have a high risk of food poisoning, same with all shellfish ie mussels, lobster, crab etc.

You can eat hard cheeses as long as they are pasteurised but you are not to eat soft cheeses due to the risk of listeria.

I had prawns the other day :shock:
frangelle said:
batgirl3111 said:
I was always under the impression that you shouldn't eat prawns at all as they have a high risk of food poisoning, same with all shellfish ie mussels, lobster, crab etc.

You can eat hard cheeses as long as they are pasteurised but you are not to eat soft cheeses due to the risk of listeria.

I had prawns the other day :shock:

According to the NHS and the Food Standards agency, you are quite safe to eat prawns if they are fresh and cooked through!!

Its also only mould-ripened soft cheese you shouldnt have (brie, camenbert etc), not all soft cheese. Things like pasturised cream cheese and cottage cheese are fine!
i was told u not allowed to eat off the deli.

im sure that hceese u said was safe is in a apckage as i work for coop :shock: *hides* :lol:

im just sticking to cheddar hard cheese :) love cheddar :)

especially on a jacket pot :) gonna have 2 for dins me thinks lol hungry now :p

i had some dr pepper yesterday and a very active baby lol was funny with baby poor thing les space and i drink that to wake me up but baby takes all the caffine :( i mainly have decaff stuff btw :)

no drunk and dont smoke , trying to avoid smokers in town is a nightmare but one guy saw i was preg and put his cig behind him so it didnt effect me as much bless him only one to do it :)
enn said:
no drunk and dont smoke , trying to avoid smokers in town is a nightmare but one guy saw i was preg and put his cig behind him so it didnt effect me as much bless him only one to do it :)

Can't wait for July 1st, where we can be in bars and restaurants without the smoke! :cheer:
clairescunny55 said:
my midwife told me to stay away from prawns and all other shellfish

My midwife also advised to avoid seafood, but there are lots of conflicting advise, so you'll have to decide what advise to take. I believe that as long as the seafood is freshly cooked, then most of the bacteria will have been eradicated, therefore I have not given up eating seafood.
I've been eating loads of prawns recently and i'm not sure if I should have :think:
OopsyDaisy said:
My midwife also advised to avoid seafood, but there are lots of conflicting advise, so you'll have to decide what advise to take. I believe that as long as the seafood is freshly cooked, then most of the bacteria will have been eradicated, therefore I have not given up eating seafood.

Im with you on this one OopsyDaisy, I think because of the conflict you have to make a personal choice, and if it really concerns you that much, then don't risk it!
I agree I think there is so much conflicting advise. When i was pregnant 7 years ago we were told to eat as much tuna as possible - now it's a no-no. I think we sometimes worry too much, we don't touch seafood and runny eggs yet binge out on macdonalds or burgerking etc, I think I know which is more likely to cause food poisoning. I think it's sensible to avoid the things which cause any birth defects, like liver etc but with the rest you just have to be careful, you're no more likely to get food poisoning/listeria poisoning because you are pregnant than you were before. I eat well cooked prawns and eggs (however i fancy them). I make sure that I know they are fresh and from a reputable source.


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