
New Member
Jan 27, 2009
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Hi All,
I'm new to all this and in need of advice. Here it goes. Had my last period on the 27/12 and think I may have conceived around the 10/01 but I started seeing brown discharge and had very bad cramps with backache around the 21/01 with some bleeding for around 2 days.It did not feel like a period so I thought maybe the conception did not take.
But for the last 3 days I have noticed my breasts swelling and being very tender,I have lower back ache,I have been very tired and have had dizzy spells whist doing normal day to day activities.(also I only feel like eating toast). So I did a test this evening but it can back negative! I am so confused. What do you guys think? Please advise.

Hi :wave: welcome to the forum and the mad house!!

Sounds to me like you had what the girls on here call an implantation bleed where the egg is attaching to the womb, and the symptoms you have got are all good. Your negative could be A) testing too early (When are you due on?) or B) you might need to do it in the morning the hormone that the test detects is stonger in your first wee of the day or FMU.

Sure some of the other girls will be on soon they know a lot more than me bit of a newbie here too x x x x
Hiya :wave: didn't want to read and run, wait a few more days you may be testing too early
Thanks girls....I am sooo anxious! I guess I'll wait a few more days and then test again(in the morning).I should be due today so maybe it was too early.

Hi, I'm new too so hello all :wave:

I am going thru the same thing, LMP 3/1, think i conceived on 17/1, AF not due for another 3 or 4 days yet tho.

I have loads of symptoms heavy and tender chestage, constipated, want to eat pickles and tarty stuff all the time!!!! (tho FFAARRR to early for any sort of cravings) generally feel icky really and the worse thing is I can't sleep :cry: :( :pray: :sleep: !!!!!!!!

I should be a dab hand at all of this as this would be 4th baba, but i am so frustrated are the symptoms there every month but I just havn't been in tune with them, or are they real??? I feel pregnant, but is it just because i'm willing myself to feel like this?

Oh, and i have become obsessed with the morning ritual of testing. WHY?????? I know I should just wait until AF due day but I just can't wait. Of course I have had a few BFN's but is that because its too early or is it because it actually is a BFN???

I'm so confused. If it is really a BFN arn't our bodies cruel making us feel like this!!!!

Bump2be x x x
:wall: This is just so frustrating. I am still getting BFN with no sigh of AF! I just don't get it.Maybe something else is wrong.11 day late now and I am never late.I'm still super sleepy :sleep: and have started to feel sick too :puke:.I think I'll just wait till the end of Feb to see if I get AF then. Best of luck to everyone in the same boat! :hug:
Sorry that it is a BFN again :hug: :hug: What test did you use? maybe try a different brand of test in a few days, or even get a digi with you been 11 days late then that will tell you one way or the other :)

Good Luck :pray: :hug: :hug:
hi :wave:
ur symptoms sound very good but if u did conceive around 10th jan pregnancy tests should be picking it up. saying that i have heard of some ladies going weeks before a test picks it up so hopefully u are one of those!! i would also recommend trying a digi with first morning urine but if that also comes back neg i would go to the doctors. have u recently come off the pill/ depo??
hope u get an answer soon :hug:
I haven't been on the pill or taken anything that could interfere with my cycle.I am now worried that something else is wrong with me.I guess a BFN is a BFN! :roll: I have read a lot of forums where a lot of women are having this problem with BFN no AF and symptoms. hhhmmmmm
I'll get a digital test tomorrow and test again on tuesday morning.If I miss feb AF then I'll go to the doctors. Something is definitely up and it's making me sooooo anxious.I'll keep you guys posted. :? :( :think:

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