Help please!! Advise needed


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2014
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My 5 month old used to sleep 12 hours at night but now wakes at 11, 1 and 3 for a bottle, sometimes waking for an hour at a time. Wakes up screaming and only goes quiet after a bottle. Up for the day at 5:45

In the day his naps are random but mainly 7-8, 10:30-12 and 3-4:30

He sleeps well did naps.

We've tried:
Introducing food ( looks hungry for food in day)
Bigger teats
Calpol teething gels
Stomach ease tea
Less naps
Not napping after 4

We can't leave him to cry for even 2 minutes as he wakes our 17 month old.

He appears either hungry or in pain when he wakes, his alwats been an excellent sleeper but now can wake up for hours at a time in the night :(

Any ideas anyone?
X x
Any advice is much appreciated x
Sorry you are going through a rough time. I went through it with my son. Slept 13 hours straight from around 10 weeks and as soon as he hit 5 months it all went to pot. It was awful. From what we realised it was just a phase and it did pass but that didn't make it any easier. We just had to ride it out unfortunately. He's now 8 months and much better but his sleep hasn't gone back to what it was. He still wakes a couple of times a night for comforting but doesn't feed in the night anymore which helps.
Ohhhhhhh was he happy enough in the day?

Our LO seems upset in the day, like the lack of sleep is taking it's toll.

Did you try any of the sleep methods?
X x
No he was pretty miserable a lot of his awake time to be honest. I just felt like I was constantly trying to get him to sleep.

Never tried any sleep methods but me and OH are thinking about trying controlled crying in the next couple of months. Still think he's a little too young but we are open to the idea. He has a dummy and when he wakes in the night now, we pop it back in and he's straight back out again it's just annoying although he is learning to put it back in on his own. We'll see. We realised his really rough patch at 5 months was when he was learning to roll. He's mastered that now but he's a little unsettled again at the moment as he's trying to master crawling. I just think it's info overload for them when they are learning new things. I take solace in the fact that these are all phases and they will eventually pass. Chin up!!

Weird! His just learnt to roll front to back and back to front. He rolls around the living room at a right rate!
Maybe that's some if it!

Thank you :)
I'm lucky my oh does most of the night feeds so It doesn't really affect me but his miserable in the day :( x x
Google 4 month sleep regression ( it doesn't happen bang on 4 months )

Big developmental leap around this age - I'm afraid it's about riding the wave! Not all babies suffer but a heck of a lot do :(
Thanks mummybexee, going to go have a look now :)

His been happier today and his rested more while awake x x

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