HELP obsessive mother?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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ok so i have a little problem that i need some help fixing...MY mother. Bless her heart she's sp excited about her first grandchild but its gotten to the point of obsession. She aclls me every day to see if he's kicked / how big i am, shes chosen our pram, she started buying clothes before we found out the sex which is what we didn't want and told her (nicely) and jut generally being full on.

Thats nice though and kind and considerate yeah i know however,

SHes started telling su who we can and cant have as godparents, who we can and cant leave him to if anything were to happen to phil and i 9god forbid), and the EVEN WEIRDER thing is that,

She has started expressing milk cos shes THAT obssessive and has craavings!! I HVENT EVEN STARTED YET! It's really off putting now and it makes me not wanna talk to her becuase its too much. How can i tell her definitively withougt being cruel?!

Even my OH who's pretty patient is fed up of it and its making this pregnancy and the r.ship i have with her unbearale! Im really sccared she's gonna wanna be in the troom whilst im giving birth....

Sophie x

PS: shes now decided to be a midwife
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oh no, it must be so hard when its ya own mum.

Maybe just tell her your overwhelmed by it all, im sure she'll understand :(

Otherwise just turn ya phone on silent and pretend your taking super long naps!!

Hope it works out for you xxx
iv tried saying it to her but apparently im being mean to her cos i should be letting her do this stuff and theres something wrong with me cos im not permanently bouncing from the ceiling and have other things to chat about when she calls! :(

Thinki may just hae to go for ignoring her....well...'having long naps'
put your foot down! bless her heart but its your baby in the end of the day. good luck hun xx
Could you just explain something for me? Did I read this right? Your mother has started expressing milk?? :shock: xx
Oh dear... Really you should put your foot down now hun, it will probably get worse when your baby is born.
And she will probably want to be in the room when you're giving birth - I think most mums do anyway.

I told my mother and mother-in-law that I didn't want them in the hospital when I was giving birth, my mother threatened to camp out in the car park but soon changed her mind when I said I'd have nothing to do with her! (She's also a drama queen and needs to be centre of attention!)

You are the one having the baby, she's had her turn and now it's time for her to step back.

I hope you can resolve this hun, you're a lot more patient than me - I would have told her straight and not seen her for a while!
Good luck :hug:
Could you just explain something for me? Did I read this right? Your mother has started expressing milk?? :shock: xx

yes you read that corectly my mother is now expressing more milk than me.... ach....its sooooo bad!!

Ok, ima tackle the beast and ill let you knwo how it goes......gimme a few days though! lol!
I just dont want her to think that im not grateful of her support but that its just a bit tooooo much and overwhelming....
awww so sorry your goin thru this with you mum, hats why im glad im 100 mile awy from my mam coz shed basically take over shes never really been bothered about till i was pregnant last year and she constantly foning she still does now but we dont have a convo or anything she just moans on lol

i had to look twice at the bit where you put your mother is expressing milk how can she be expressing milk ive never herd of amyone expressing when there not pregnant exept when youve given bith lol
Sorry have I just read that correctly.... your mother is expressing milk?? What??? Is she planning to breast feed your baby? How is that even possible?
lols at expressing milk does she freeze it for you ?! hehehe i shouldnt laugh tho this would be driving me up the wall!
she better bloody not freeze it for melol!! im expec ting her to wanna share in breastfeeding duty GRIMEY! x
she better bloody not freeze it for melol!! im expec ting her to wanna share in breastfeeding duty GRIMEY! x

:shock: share? oh my is she an earthy type iv seen it on tv befor about familys and even friends sharing duties i dont think id like my baby being that bonded with someone else thobut each to there own x
im not gonna let her if she tries! i think she's just excited about the baby but its just gone one step too far....
:shock: im shocked like really shocked

good luck with telling her to back off just be honest and tell her how she is making you feel hope all goes well
Oh God, your Mum must drive you insane! :shock:
You need to put a stop to this now otherwise she'll be constantly at your door once you've had the baby and it'll drive you two apart. I don't think there really is any nice way of telling her to back down but it's got to be done!
Could you just explain something for me? Did I read this right? Your mother has started expressing milk?? :shock: xx

yes you read that corectly my mother is now expressing more milk than me.... ach....its sooooo bad!!

Ok, ima tackle the beast and ill let you knwo how it goes......gimme a few days though! lol!
I just dont want her to think that im not grateful of her support but that its just a bit tooooo much and overwhelming....


I was gonna ask the same thing!! I can totally understand how you feel hun. How is she doing that?! Maybe she needs to get a puppy or something! It worked a treat for my mum when she had empty nest syndrome. I thought my mother was being over the top but you've definately got it worse!! I sometimes dont answer the phone to my mum and just tell her I was so busy and then was trying to catch naps in my spare time. :) I ring her back when Im feeling stronger.

I accidentally told her I got 2nd hand crib sheets and she was like :shock:. Told her we were having a baby shower/house warming bbq in JULY and I asked if she was free and she wanted to know exactly what we were planning on serving at this bbq and proceeded to tell me how long to pre-cook chicken in the oven before putting it on the bbq and did I want her to bring any salads and did I want her potato salad recipe :wall2: OMG ITS IN 2 MONTHS TIME!
:shock: Do you mean she's actually expressing milk?? Or just leaking milk? If she's expressing I'd be seriously upset by that.

As for the rest of it, it's lovely that she wants to be involved but she needs to back off a bit or as others have said it's going to drive you two apart :hug:
sorry my big, i meant leaking milk. which i still feel is very wrong ....
i still think that is very wrong too! Infact its really gross, even more worrying is that she told you... maybe rather than telling you she should see a doctor and get her HRT topped up.
Ahh hun :hug: This is a tough one.. It definitely is over the top, pregnancy is such a special time for you and your OH.. Allbeit exciting for your mum too.. But you definitely need your own space regarding your pregnancy, it must be hard trying to tell her how you really feel.. I hope things calm down a bit soon xxx

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