Mother In Law problem - help needed!

My troll-in-law is a bloody nightmare. 11 years I've been with OH and never had a problem until we came back from our holidays this year.....we asked her to feed the cats and came home to find my entire house had had a domestic raping!

she had been through EVERY SINGLE cupboard, drawer, box in every single room in the house "tidying" up for us. and when I say know that space you have in the back of your bedroom wardrobe for your mos private things...oh yes that one too.

The old troll had thrown out things of mine that had sentimental value to me, she's re-arranged ALL my kitchen cupboards....she even put up hideous cheap blinds and disgusting ornaments everywhere!! She's broken things that are valuable, taken things out of boxes that were in there because I wanted them in there....god i could go on.

The costs of replacing things that have just disappeared has gone into £100's and the sentimental loss of things from my childhood won't ever be replaced, sadly.

To top things off (and this really IS the icing on the cake...) my OH was fuming when we got through the door and although I was freaked out I told him to calm down before speaking to her....unfortunately he didn't and he went straight down to their house and exploded. Fatty the Troll was so shocked by his reaction all hell broke loose and instead of HIM getting it, she went crazy telling him how I'm a bitch, I don't love him, the house was disgusting, and I'm just using him for his money :lol: :lol:

I'd had morning sickness really badly up until this point and keeping my 2 year old entertained was hard enough (In April I'd also sadly lost my oldest brother) ....but she said this wasn't an excuse because I'm just a lazy good for nothing. :shock:

I almost commited murder that night. :evil:

Needless to say we've not spoken since, and I've never recieved an apology!
:shock: OMG

Well done you for not just burying her in the garden!
**C** said:
My troll-in-law is a bloody nightmare. 11 years I've been with OH and never had a problem until we came back from our holidays this year.....we asked her to feed the cats and came home to find my entire house had had a domestic raping!

she had been through EVERY SINGLE cupboard, drawer, box in every single room in the house "tidying" up for us. and when I say know that space you have in the back of your bedroom wardrobe for your mos private things...oh yes that one too.

The old troll had thrown out things of mine that had sentimental value to me, she's re-arranged ALL my kitchen cupboards....she even put up hideous cheap blinds and disgusting ornaments everywhere!! She's broken things that are valuable, taken things out of boxes that were in there because I wanted them in there....god i could go on.

The costs of replacing things that have just disappeared has gone into £100's and the sentimental loss of things from my childhood won't ever be replaced, sadly.

To top things off (and this really IS the icing on the cake...) my OH was fuming when we got through the door and although I was freaked out I told him to calm down before speaking to her....unfortunately he didn't and he went straight down to their house and exploded. Fatty the Troll was so shocked by his reaction all hell broke loose and instead of HIM getting it, she went crazy telling him how I'm a bitch, I don't love him, the house was disgusting, and I'm just using him for his money :lol: :lol:

I'd had morning sickness really badly up until this point and keeping my 2 year old entertained was hard enough (In April I'd also sadly lost my oldest brother) ....but she said this wasn't an excuse because I'm just a lazy good for nothing. :shock:

I almost commited murder that night. :evil:

Needless to say we've not spoken since, and I've never recieved an apology!

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez!! Thats so out of order I dont know where to begin!!! I think your a saint for not wrapping one of her tacky ornaments round her head!!
:hug: :hug:
**c** I feel so sorry for you! God i would have gone mad!
My MIL was nasty to me and didnt like me from day one and made it quite clear. She died last year unfortunatly. But i do sympathise with ppl with the overbearing MIL.
As for someone buying you loads of stuff, its all what you want to do as a mother, choosing important pieces like a cot!
:shock: :shock: :shock: I have just read this - wow what a nightmare! I am very lucky my MIL is an absolute diamond - she never interferes, nags David to look after me, and would never come over without checking first - when we got married she said - i will never interfere in your lives - and she meant it.

Both her and my mother dont want to buy anything until the baby is born, I understand this though and dont mind one bit, I think ill have plently for a new born anyway.

J-Do - if I was you I would say to her kindly but firmly - I dont want anything else for the baby at the moment, I dont believe in waste and there are poor babies in the world who have nothing. You can always buy her presents but I dont agree with excess - It sounds to me like she has a shopping adiction and isnt being all that nice anyway she is just satisfying her own desire.
thing is everyone knows it's her whos in the wrong and basically she's the ugly fat old turdbag not me :lol:

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