Help needed asap


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I'm hijacking the baby names part of thus forum for a little bit but please forgive me!!!! I went to view a house today and there was the friendliest cat there, it's a long haired cat grey, White and beige in colours, a little matted and very very skinny! So I rescued it after checking no one in the area owned it and it's booked in my vets tomoz for a check over and to remove some matts out of it's fur. However it needs a name! I have a black short haired cat called Mickey Mouse but this poor thing needs a name too and I can't keep calling it scruffy! Lol. Help?!
I have a beige-ish cat called Honey..... but if it's a boy that wouldn't really go lol x

(My boy cat is called Simon, but that's just wierd - kids fault lol)
boris iv wanted to name all my cats boris but my daughter veto's me lol and good luck with the cat hope he settles well
Gizmo, like on Gremlins, but the nice one! My neighbour had smartie and gizmo and they were awesome cats, both lived very long and happy lives! Good luck, very lucky kitty!
Hey Megs Meadow, my cat is called Smartie too!
Just don't make my mistake, I let my parrot pick his own name from a bunch of names on bits of paper. Except at the time I was convinced he was female so only put very feminine names in, poor wee mite! The name has stuck, I just hope he doesn't have a gender crisis because of it :)
He he Rosies mummy, we had a dog called d-fer. We've let summer name the cat, it's official new name is smudge! Lmao x
We have a Smudge!

We also have Cleo, Zippy, Felix, Baros & Benji!! lol

We have a Betsy and Freddie but freind has a merlin which suits as he is long haired and grey!
My friend has a Merlin too... sounds good with Mickey!

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