Furry babies?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Does anyone else have furry babies? My furry baby is my cat. He's a black short haired cat called mickey mouse. He's HUGE when relaxed and spread out (he reaches from my ankle to my hip as we discovered the other day when he spread out next to me) and he's the calmest, softest cat I've ever met or owned. People who hate cats fall in love with my pudding because he's just not like a typical cat. Right now he's curled up on my belly purring his head off. He follows me around the house and will seek me out if I disappear (he will open the bathroom door and sit on the edge of the bath if I'm in there)! All in all I love my furry baby. Tell me about yours? x
:yay: I have a step- furry baby! Her name is Bru and she's a five year old collie. She's an intelligent wee beasty and just loves physical contact, anytime I lie down she'll sneak up for a cuddle. She doesn't like the posty and shouts at him every morning. At the moment she is my personal guard dog, like my own shadow.

And a feathered baby who I've fostered out to my sister for now. My 5 year old green cheek conure called Budgie. He's very attached to me and I see him every weekend at the moment. Loves cuddles, loves rolling over on his back and loves bells!! He's very cheeky and although he doesn't talk clearly he can wolf whistle, laughs like me, says you're cheeky and loads of other quirky noises.


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Well, I have 3 german shepherds, all big long haired ones: Leo is 3, boo and Deva are 5 months and sisters. I have a jack russell called Roxy.

I also have 4 cats, Honey, simon, Cecelia and suki. Honey had 6 kittens 5 weeks ago and Cecelia had 5 kittens last night. Simon is the dad of both lots.

God it sounds like I live in a zoo lol x
i have 1 furry baby cat her name is roobins shes a bengal cat shes mega cute but a bit of a monster. i also have 2 rhodesian ridgebacks who are my babies. there called dollar and fury they are 2 big softies. the cat rules the roost in are house she bosses the dogs round which is very funny to see. oh and i also have a horsey called sam x
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we also have four cats. 3 are jet black (2 short haired and one long haired) called Alfie, George and Daisy and we also have a little black and white one called Freddie.

Alfie is absolutely huge and the softest cat around. He's so lovable and laid-back.
Freddie is the mad one. He's trying to play with the others all the time but they are just not interested and he's always the one who gets caught being naughty.
George prefers males and likes his creature comforts and lots of food (don't think he ever feels full up!)
Daisy is just a big fluff ball and prefers female company. She was very shy and timid but is gradually coming out of her shell.

All of the cats are from the rspca and we got them at different times but all were quite young (ranging from 11 weeks to 8 months). They are all so cute and always manage to cheers you up if you are ever feeling down xxx
I used to have a cat called Mickey! Lol

I have a 2 yr old staffy called Bo. She's a big baby! She's so hyper and excitable it drives me nuts sometimes especially when we hve visitors!
We have two cats called Aber and Oscar, Aber is 4 years old and the biggest softy he's black and white and loves to play outside all day.. He also climbs up on the roof and comes into our bedroom via the skylight! Oscar is wild (hence he name oscar wild lmao) he's an 18month old tabby who we've had from a kitten... He is an indoor cat and has a grumpy personality!

Here's my furry baby Buddy. We inherited him from the nextdoor neighbour when he got banged up for double murder.
My furry baby is our Hamster Bubble, he is 15 weeks old today :) He is a bit of a physco Hamster and he likes to tip his house upside down and sleep in the roof !! lol He loves being handled, well apart from when Dec pokes him.

This is him at 9 weeks, just after we got him. He is almost triple that size now. My sister is conviced he is a rat cus he is so big !!!! lol


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Speaking of hamsters our little devil (evil evil hamster) escaped last night and the cat went ape! He just played with the thing!!! Lucky lucky hamster!
blimey, very lucky hamster! Little furries don't last more than a few seconds in this house! We've got 4 dogs (Fudgie, Bella - both boxers, Winne - a staffie cross and Ollie - a springer spaniel) and 3 cats (Charlie, Inzo and Linux - all jet black by coincidence rhather than by design - they all "found" me in some way). There are pics of them all in the photo thread...I hope they don't all mind being relegated to 'furry' babies when the real baby comes along in the next few months!
we have a Jack Russel Terrier called Gypsy Rose, a Staffy cross called Dempsey ( unfortunately she may have to go soon if she doesn't start behaving as i won't be able to cope with her when baby comes along, she gets very over excited and jumps up at everyone as soon as they walk in the door it doesn't matter who she'll jump up and if u r unlucky nip your nose) and the latest addition to the family is a Dumbo Rat called Skye

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