Help symptoms gone


Nov 9, 2010
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Hi...I am 5 and half weeks...yesterday my symptoms just went away - sore boobs, feeling sick/ this impending m/c...?
Hi Hun, have u had any pains or bleeding? I posted last night abt symptoms being worse some days & the general consensus is that some days they are worse than others x
No pain or no bleeding...just very scared that I feel fine and my boobs not sore at all anymore ....thanks xx
Don't worry Hun, I've had the occasional day where I've felt fine doesn't last long tho lol. Dint stress it's the worst thing u can do. X
They can come and go all throught the pregnancy, mine eased off when I hit 11/12 weeks and I was worrying but it was fine and baby was kicking about when I had my scan done x
I have had hardly any symptoms.
I think that as we always hear about all the symptoms we expect pregnancy to be hell, but some people are lucky and maybe we are one of those.
My friend had no symptoms apart from itchy niples and she has 2 children.
I know it is a worry but try not to
My symptoms used to come and go all the time and it used to worry me too - I'd have a couple of days of feeling completely normal again, then they'd all come back. After about 6 1/2 weeks they were there most of the time though x
ive probs been lucky ive not had any symptoms with this one or amy apart from sore boobs and a sore back xx
like the others have said they come and go some days you well and truly feel pregnant others you feel as if you aren't even now when I carry this huge watermelon in my belly I get days where I feel relatively normal enjoy them and try not to worry xx
Thanks for all the boobs started feeling sore again i am trying not to worry xxxx
I phoned my midwife about this today she said along as your not in pain or bleeding not to worry x

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