Help me, im sooooo confused :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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As you may have seen in a previous post/ thread when i had my smear test last Thurs, the nurse said "woah your period is on its way" so i took this as gospel that its on its way and im out this month, as she had a good ole look up there. still waiting for it. What the frick is going on. Surely if she saw it last Thurs, (and there was blood on the thingy they used....gross)

Could i be pregnant? Or is my period stuck behind a lorry up there??

I tested today and got BFN. Ive been feeling mega bloated today (just on my belly, to the extent my work trousers feel too tight), and my boobs feel perkier than usual (which i quite like)

Help me xxx
When was AF due hun? I have bled before during a smear just because they are prodding around rather than because AF is on its way x
It was due last thurs when i went, and i told her it was and that we were ttc, and she popped her head up and sad, looks like your period is on its way. I thought "Great" the tablets are working, im back on a 28 day cycle. An there was a considerable amount of blood on the end of her tool (that sounds wrong) and she said "Oh it collects behind the cervix a few days before it makes an appearance, but it looks like it will arrive today"

I was 5 days late last month and in agony before she arrived. This month im 6 days late, mega spotty, bloated and have perky boobs. and i have completly lost my sex drive :(

Come on girls, please, i need your opinions xx
I tend to lean towards what Jodie suggested.

You didn't actually get any actual bleed, just what appeared on the end of the nurses probe.

If you was late 5 days last time and you are 6 days now - that sounds about right to me and fingers crossed she is on her way with your other symptoms.
What test did you use hun? Maybe wait a couple of days and if still no af then test again with a different test. Fingers crossed for you x x

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Hmm, Ive bled at a smear test too, but the symptoms are good - just a bit strange that she could see it coming - does that mean that she could see the blood on its way? On a more positive note, I hope its implantation bleeding, especially as you havent bled since.
Good luck xxxx
So you have missed AF?

how late are you?

I say keep testing...looks good though wish you loads of luck xxx
didnt wanna read n run but i really dont know il keep my fingers crossed for u hunni :) xx
I tested Monday am BFN, and today (couldnt resist) BFN again. The way she said it was like she saw the witch flying around on her broom, i thought i was gonna have an accident everywhere! Im normally really horny before i come on and when im on but im just not, feeling slightly run down too. Its just frustrating that she said it was on its way and its not! :( xxx
I wish i could help ... but as you know time will tell as hard as it is. This looks really good though just look at all the people who have been getting late bfp latley...u know my friends boss has just found out shes pregnant and she was testing before she got the bfp and it was bfn and she has found out she is 9-13 week!!! the tests werent coming up positive though. AF hasent got you so dont count yourself out good luck xxx
Aww thanks for the info hun. lll keep you posted. Its just fricking annoying!! :( xxxx
I know it is:(
You testing tomorrow?
Ive got my fingers, toes, legs and everything else crossed for you :lol:
I bleed during smears, think some people just do. Wonder how she could tell your AF was due from looking? I don't really know either way, but I was talking to a girl I work with today and she didn't get a BFP until she was 12 weeks gone, so BFN doesn't always mean no.

:dust::dust: for you!
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Oh no...can you not get one before you go for a pee first thing? xxx shame you dont live near me ive got 20!
Ha ha well all my family lives in Cumbria, only 90 miles up road ha ha.

12 weeks gone till she got a BFP thats impressive. Its our 8th cycle trying now cycles were regulat rill June, last months cycle was the shortest since June so i thought everything was back on track.

Ive no idea how she "saw" my period on its way. Unless she cut me too much and she was covering her tracks :( lol xxx
I think she was trying to sound clever! She could probably see from your info or what you said that it was due. Or as you say she was just covering her tracks after making you bleed a bit. Or maybe it was implantation bleed?

Sounds to me like you're in with a good chance, i would totally ignore the woman. xx
Difficult one... positive signs and you're not out till the witch gets you! Fingers crossed for you

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