Help ! How do you bath a baby ?!!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Im in need of some serious advice on how top bath a baby! I just cant do it! :wall: :wall:
the only way we can do it is if my OH or me get in the bath with her and the other washes her. The prob is hubbie is away alot at the mo and i have to do it on my own..... its a nightmare
I have one of those plastic chair things but she hates it and freask out big style, she needs to feel supported by you.
She is not a water baby anyway but Im not giving her the security she needs as im not feel very confident myself
Last night I ended up trying to wash her hair first in the sink (which was a disaster) then dunking her in the bath but had no hands to wash her. :doh:

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Seren tends to have a bath with either me or OH as she seems to enjoy that more. If I am just bathing her I use the big bath, keep it shallow and put baby bath in the water. I then hold her at the back of her head and with my free hand I wash her (I don't use any toiletries just the baby bath in the water to clean her). Wwhen I wash her hair I again use my free hand to wet her hair but again I'm not using any shampoo on her at the moment. If I am with her in the bath and OH is not there I sit her on my tummy whilst I clean her.

If you are not feeling confident could you not get a cheap baby bath just til you are both feeling more confident, or maybe get a non slip mat for the bottom of your bath which may help you?
i have one of those too - ruben almost kicks himself off it! lol
Now when I bath Brody I just run about 2-3 inches of water into the big bath and pop him in. The water comes to just under his ears.
He laughes and kicks his way all around the bath while I wash him.

Good luck!
I used this bath. It was really comfy for Reece and i could wash him easily while he sat still. Also the seat changes colour if the waters too hot :D
I used a baby bath and was terrified when I gave her the first bath and also used to wash her in the sink as well but now she has one with me. I get in with her and wash her then pop her in her dressing gown and towel in her baby bouncer while I fill the bath a bit more and do my thing in there. If she doesn't have one with me I just pop the baby bath in the bath and give her one there or have even used the shower head to give her a shower all over while holding her in the bath. She did wonder wht the hell was going on there though.

Em xx
I have got a support seat but she just seems to hate it. I cant support her with one hand either as she wriggles so much.
Maybe I'll just have to get in with her until she is confident enough, I was just scared about getting out on my own & slipping.

Those soft sponge one might do the trick, need something thats easy to get to her hair with aswell as its really long and get sicky bits in it so needs washing!

Have you tried feeding her before giving a bath, Kiara used to cry and cry one day i decided to feed her a half hour before so she is satisfied and now she loves it will kick about in the water .
The baby bathtubs work great as well.
Duds sorry just saw this post have you worked the bath thing out yet?

You need to put your arm under babys head and hold on to the arm furthest away from you this will make baby feel safe and stop bubs from slipping, personally i find it easier to wash Abis hair in the bath, i find it really awkward to do it before the bath, maybe try this :)
Well, I still havent quite figured it out but i'll get there, I think i will try that Manda, Im just terrified i'll drop her as she's such a wiggler.
She still screams when I take her out - you'd think she would be used to it by now but she certainly isnt a water baby!

just make sure you hold on to that arm (furthest away from you) and she'll be just fine :) Abi cried coming out of the bath until he was about 5 months but she loved being in the bath lol, she's fine now we just play peek a boo in the mirror when i'm drying her lol

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