Grace still hates the bath.... 5 months on and she cries everytime she sees the bath never mind when she gets in it.
So far I have tried cooling the ater, warming the water, no much water, lots of water, with toys, without toys, in her baby bath, in the big bath on her own, in the big bath with mummy.
She just hates being bathed. I thought we had cracke dit last weekend when I got her to play in a paddling pool. It is a tiny one just the right size for one baby and I had it on the gardent table. First of all I splashed her hands with the water and she cried. But I persevered and after about 10 minutes she was putting her hands in the water and splashing... Eventually I got her to sit in the pool and she laughed and giggled for ages......... she splashed herself about and wasn't a bit bothered that she was splashing herself...
Hooray I thought - we have broken the back of bathing time........ but oh no, the next day we had tears again and ever bath since...... tonight she actually screamed when she saw the bath... I tried the same tactic of playing with her hand in the water first but to no avail......... she just cried and cried........
I really don't know what to do next - any advice would be very much appreciated........ I so want my darling girl to enjoy her baths but at the moment she just hates them......

So far I have tried cooling the ater, warming the water, no much water, lots of water, with toys, without toys, in her baby bath, in the big bath on her own, in the big bath with mummy.

She just hates being bathed. I thought we had cracke dit last weekend when I got her to play in a paddling pool. It is a tiny one just the right size for one baby and I had it on the gardent table. First of all I splashed her hands with the water and she cried. But I persevered and after about 10 minutes she was putting her hands in the water and splashing... Eventually I got her to sit in the pool and she laughed and giggled for ages......... she splashed herself about and wasn't a bit bothered that she was splashing herself...

Hooray I thought - we have broken the back of bathing time........ but oh no, the next day we had tears again and ever bath since...... tonight she actually screamed when she saw the bath... I tried the same tactic of playing with her hand in the water first but to no avail......... she just cried and cried........
I really don't know what to do next - any advice would be very much appreciated........ I so want my darling girl to enjoy her baths but at the moment she just hates them......