Help getting babies clothes and everything sorted!


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Just wondering how many things you have for the baby and how many is enough like...
How many vests in what sizes and baby growers, bibs, outfits, shoes?
I have no idea what is enough as this is my first and i don't have a clue.
I know i have 22 bibs lol! Going to count the other things now.
Also how many bottles things like that, sorry if it sounds thick but i really don't know lol xxx
22 bibs, lol!!
It's really hard to judge...I got about 6 vests and 6 sleepsuits in newborn, but I've found out he is gonna be big so stopped buying newborn and exchanged some for 0-3. In 0-3 I've got maybe a little he has some cute hoodies and a coat in 0-3. I've bought him 2 pairs of cute trainers which are totally unnecessary and pointless as baby's don't need shoes but I couldn't resist them! Oh yes and he has one little outfit to wear the shoes with when he goes visiting! Plus a couple of hats and few socks and scratch mits....think that's it for sure he'll get given stuff when he's born but for now he'll be happy enough in sleepsuits and vests :) xxx
I have too many clothes but when there's a poo explosion ill be glad of them lol. Bibs I think your fine on now hun. Bottles I
Have 6 or 7 I think. Bearing in mind some come with the sterliser. X x

I've no idea wat I've got just looks like plenty lol! Was all given me so havnt had to buy much tbh :)
I have 8 bottles altogether including the ones that came with the steriliser. I've got so much clothes which have mainly been bought for me. I've just counted 25 bibs upstairs!!!!! And there's a bag full of them downstairs that my auntie gave me. I also only bought 10 of the ones upstairs lol.

Thanks :)

I only have 4 bottles at the minute and one tiny bottle which won't last her long.

My friend just uses 6 during the day so she said 8 would be plenty. I've also got a few different teat sizes. Just because a couple of friends suggested to get them. Although one friends health visitor just poked a fork through to make the hole bigger.

Ps I'm still shocked at how much bibs I've got!!!!! I only decided to count them after I read you had 22 :lol:

Haha, probably need alot of bibs so they won't go a miss! I haven't got different teat sizes/flows yet...maybe get a few but poking a hole through sounds cheaper lol xxx
Bibs and muslins are invaluable so the more the better. You'll go through them like anything!

I've got 12 bottles, only about 16 bibs so far and god knows how many vests and sleep suits. Plus back ups of Reshauns old ones as we had lots of pooh up the back incidents when Reshaun was tiny!!! More prepared this time. Xx
I've still got a few things from Amy but bought me some new vests and baby grows got 2 bottles so far got to get a steriliser on Wednesday which Tescos have a tommy tipee one electric aswell r 19.50 comes with a free bottle a dummy and a thing you use to take out the bottles I'm going to get a few things more for baby like new bibs and stuff :)
I only have 10 bibs! lol I have tons of muslins though.

I've bought 14 of everything, vests, socks, baby gro's, outfits. I've bought 0-3 instead of newborn coz he's measured average all the way along so far. We have got a couple of 3-6 clothes just incase he's a fatty lol.

My family are going to spoil him rotten so I won't need to buy him anymore clothes. They've banned me from buying anything else because in their words "there'll be nothing left for us"! lol

I'm planning on giving breast feeding a go so we've bought 4 bottles incase it doesn't work out, also he'll need the bottles for water. x
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I've been thinking of doing myself a list of everything I need to get, as at the moment I just buy anything cute lol

As I make baby stuff I'm thinking I will just buy plain stuff and funky it up myself :) that way it will be nice and cheap but also unique to my little dude
I just went upstairs and took out all the stuff. There's HEAPS!!!! My family have been buying like well! Still more stuff to come from my mum and then friends. She's already got more than clothes than me and she's not even here yet!!!!

I would still get some newborn bits, my little girl was 8lb so not small and the newborn stuff that goes up to 9lbs ish drowned her! 0-3 would of completely swamped her. They sometimes lose a bit of their birth weight at the beginning especially if your breastfeeding, she ended up down to 7lb 8oz on about day 5, so it is definately worth getting some newborn stuff just in case. Even if baby was about 10lb you would get a little wear out of it. Some places now go up to 10lbs in the newborn stuff.
My advice would be, get about two outfits and then wait, you will be overwhelmed with people giving you clothes!! I bought 1 outfit after the 12 week scan and trousers yesterday, that's it and she has far too many!!
not got much in at all now but a woud say ca never have enough bibs a used chnage me sons constantlas tey dribble milk and aprefred the 1s withplastic backingcos oters just make everything else soaking wet and same with bibs babygrows u change them constantly ony ting would say is dont buy 2 much actual clothesx

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