Help! False BFP on cheapy??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Tested 3 times this morning, 2 whopping BFNs and 1 BFP :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

Using Acon tests.

Also with the BFP it wasn't with fmu and I left it in the sample for 30 seconds (as instructions said minimum 10-15). The wee was just above the max line.

Is it likely to be false because of the above? Can't afford to go buy a proper test unless I get lots of bfps on the cheapies :(
I dont think it has anything to do with the above but im not really an expert! At a guess, leaving it longer gave it the chance to get the right amount of PG hormone. Its rare to get a fake positive, i suggest doing more tests with cheapie then getting a clearblue or somethng similar. Go on the pregnancy tests topic and see which tests work!
is it a faint line hun or is it really dark? xxx
and is it the same colour as the control line coz it may be an evap?
It came up pink, has got a little bit fainter and is darker at one end than the other, but you can see it :? Done a few more and all neg!!

Dammit for getting my hopes up! :evil:
Well give it a few days and let the hormone build up. it doubles everyday.
i agree wait another 2-3 days and then test again hun xxx
I'm just too impatient for my own good :shakehead: Will have to just wait it out, am feeling a bit crampy anyway. AF must be on the road!
Thank you :hug: Because I am stuck indoors with Ella at the moment because of the heat, it's all I have to think about :roll:

I promised myself that I wouldn't get my hopes up as it hadn't been a good month, but it's so hard not to. And when that line came up my heart jumped into my throat!

Going to go and have a cuppa and some toast and sulk!! And try to persuade myself that my AF cramps might not be that!
We put ourselves through some falls don't we.

I hope it's your month Kina :pray: But theres always a plus side for another month of trying :wink: :wink:
Aww babes ull be okay! Uve got ella to keep u busy!! Let us knw how u get on babe! :hug:
oooh Kina, have everyhting crossed for you hun :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
I can't :( My camera is broke (which is why I put vid of Ella with strawberries on and not pics) and when I took a pic of it with my mobile it just came out blurry.

I was going to video cam it, but I don't think it will pick it up :cry: Guess it's not good when the line fades :cry:
The line fades? if its been longer than 10 mins, just ignore it.
See that 10 minute rule is sometime ****! I say that from experience!

Sometimes a fainter line will appear & get stronger before it dries up! Disappearing lines I have had on a first response!
Jayceesmumma said:
The line fades? if its been longer than 10 mins, just ignore it.

Yup, it just looks like the faintest evap line now. Still noticeable under the right light, but at first it was pinkish now it's just gone. :cry:

Had 2 pieces of toast, off to have another 2. Perfect comfort food!
really? ive heard the first response are shit too wobbles.
If it was a pink line surely it cant be an evap?

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