Help! False BFP on cheapy??

They're in the window next to the washing up bowl.

Keep going downstairs, having a drink of water, holding them up to the light, squinting at them, comparing them to ones that are sparkly white, going outside to check if they look darker :roll:

Poor Ella!! :lol:
We should meet and bring our armfulls of BFN tests and burn them..... BURN THEM ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
And torture the evaps!!!! PEEL THEM APART!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
(with rubber gloves tho!)
Kina said:
They're in the window next to the washing up bowl.

Keep going downstairs, having a drink of water, holding them up to the light, squinting at them, comparing them to ones that are sparkly white, going outside to check if they look darker :roll:
:rotfl: Same as only I sit in the conservatory, can't go wrong with light coming in from every angle!! :? :lol:
Jayceesmumma said:
We should meet and bring our armfulls of BFN tests and burn them..... BURN THEM ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
And torture the evaps!!!! PEEL THEM APART!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
(with rubber gloves tho!)

:lol: DH got all grossed out yesterday as he was holding one by the pee end and didn't realise :rotfl:

Well alright for some Wobbles, I don't have a conservatory :shakehead: :lol:
have you tried having one done at the chemist at least they so yes or no that what i ended up doing
You'll have to get a mini one built Kina! Call it the peestickoholic room! :lol:

Ours is front of house so the postman probably thinks I'm nuts as theres is always a stick on the arm of the sofa :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: @Wobbles
U nutter!!
Its annoying even more for me coz im doing the OPKs too! I keep getting just faint lines!! They are strong enough to see but not strong as the control line which means im not O yet :x
Ive had these for like 6 days!

Kina, i really hope this is your month hun!!, good luck.
Thanks Katrina :hug:

Jaycee those sticks did my nut too when I tried them! Never got a strong line :roll:
Thanks Laura :)

If it's not my month I am following your lead and BD every day!! :lol:
Good plan :D I'm doing magic medicine too, but I keep forgetting to take it, so actually I'm probably not doing it at all :| :lol:
I keep forgetting to do my magic medicine!
Normally remember as i get into bed!!!!

Laura, just noticed your sig saying "clomid Chick"
Whats it like? Is it just a tablet?
Am keeping fingers crossed that i can get it eventually!!!

No BFP today with fmu :cry:

No AF either, fingers crossed she stays away :pray: I don't know how long after ovulation that HPT can be detected, but I think I ovulated 8 days ago.

Only got 4 HPTs left now, better spread them out!
aw Kina, don't worry too much just yet - if you only ovulated 8 days ago there's plenty of time for things to change! You'd be really lucky to get a BFP at 8dpo, so like you say, just spread your tests out and keep your fingers crossed! Good luck xx
I'm just guessing at ovulation as that's when I got the cramps, I definately need to start charting. I was speaking to DH and if it doesn't happen this month then we're going to chart next month as he's caught the ttc bug now :lol: (he was happy to before but was a case of 'if it happens it happens'). So the cheapskate is happy for me to buy a thermometer!!!
HayleyB said:
Laura, just noticed your sig saying "clomid Chick"
Whats it like? Is it just a tablet?
Hayley yes, it's a tablet to help stimulate your ovaries into releasing eggs ... although I do actually ovulate anyway, some doctors still prescribe it as apparently it can help in that situation also. You take them for 5 days early on in your cycle - I start taking them on day 2 or 3, some people are told to start later, ie day 5 - it's all down to your doc really :)
Kina, cool! You do realise that along with the thermometer comes a lot of head-scratching, thinking, calculating, analysing, and of course crazy babble in here, don't you?!! Not to mention wearing the chart-stalker penguin at all times in your sig :lol:
Blimey sounds complicated!! DH is an accountant so he can do all the workings out, I'll just do my temp!! :rotfl:
Hi Kina! If you ovulated 8 days ago then it's probably too early for the tests to pick up any hormones. The waiting must be killing you! Hope your next test shows BFP!! But I suppose it will be ok if you don't as you sound very excited about temping and charting, no? :)

Good luck!


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