Help!! Early Scan but Evil Midwife


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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hi girls,

i found out i was pregnant a few weeks ago but was unsure when i concieved as my last period was really light.

explained this to my gp and she said i could have an early dating scan after i was sure i was def 6 weeks. she gave my number to the midwife for my antenatal appointments.

when i spoke to her she said there was no need for an early scan as there would only be a difference of 5 weeks in my dates!! is it me or is that quite a large diffrence. either being 11 weeks or 6 weeks! :think:

i told her i really wanted to know and she then told me it could be dangerous to give me an early scan!!!!! which i know is rubbish!! :evil:

now i feel really stuck as i feel if i go to my gp and ask her to arrange it that the midwife, who will be looking after my antenatal care will find out and hate me and this will make my appointments tense etc.

i could also go for a private scan but i really don't want to spend £75 when my gp said i could get it free.

Sorry about my rant but what would you girlies do?????


kirst :D
To be honest doesnt sound "that" evil to me, you just hav to wait a lil longer and id rather spent that extra £75 on things for the baby rather than on somet u cud get for free, im not sure about the
"i told her i really wanted to know and she then told me it could be dangerous to give me an early scan!!!!! which i know is rubbish!! "

ive never heard that as rubbish personally, but even i know the nhs are full of shit lol

good luck wat ever u decide xx
I personally think that 5 weeks differance is a big thing as there are certain checks and things that need to be done at 12 weeks, plus after that it gets more difficult to get an accurate Estimated due date.

It is rubbish that an early scan can could be dangerous, how do you think women who have IVF get on, they have lots of scans to check things at the early stages and Hundreds of women have reassurance scans, i think it is only dangerous if you have them every other day or week or something silly.

Ask your GP to refer you for a reassurance scan as i was told that they can make an appointment for you as well as the midwife and if the midwife continues to make you feel bad and is horrible then i would ask for a change of midwife. After all you have to see her for a while and you dont want to feel intimidated when you go.

I would call the midwife and play the nice card. I mean to say nicebut firm and let her know that you really do feel you need a scan . I would even say you are so anxious about it you would consider paying if forced too.

I think if you pointed this out to her she would have to really help.

I think 5 weeks is a long time. As an example if you wait until week 12 you would may in fact be on week 17. If there are any problems with the pregnancy then this is too far in. You would i am sure find out earlier on. However i am sure it will all be fine.

I would just insist nicely.

The midwife does sound nasty. A few of us here have been lucky enough tohave an early scan and know that it is no way dangerous to have one! She shouldn't have said that to you. Maybe you should have a word with your GP and say that your midwife makes you feel uneasy or something along them lines and ask if it is possible for you to see another one.
Vickyleigh said:
The midwife does sound nasty. A few of us here have been lucky enough tohave an early scan and know that it is no way dangerous to have one! She shouldn't have said that to you. Maybe you should have a word with your GP and say that your midwife makes you feel uneasy or something along them lines and ask if it is possible for you to see another one.

I'm with vicky on this one !! Being pregnant is supposed to be an enjoyable experience and you should have the full support of a midwife who will help you stay at ease and be happy and confident. You really don't want to spend the rest of your pregnancy being miserable and tip toeing round this woman, and don't worry about hurting her feelings, at the end of the day who's more important ... your baby or the midwife ??

ask to see another one !!

godd luck hun xx
oooh, what a witch!

I got my early scan through my gp because of conflicting dates, i havn't even heard from my midwife yet, whoever she may be, and the doc receptionist said i was unlikely to do so until the end of next week.

If I were you, I'd go back to your doc. If your MW gets funny, ask to change. It's your pregnancy, no one elses!

Good luck! xx
thanks girls!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i rang my gp today and she is not in until monday so i'm going to make an appointment then.

spoke to the midwife again and explained that i could really do with an accurate due date as i start university in september and i want to tell them in advance if i'm going to be late.

she really wasn't having any of it and just said my appointment was with her in 4 weeks and she would have the scan booked for two weeks after that. she obviously dosn't want to waste the nhs's money on me! :(

my gp is really nice so i'm going to explain everything to her. i just can't believe i'm going to have to waste an appointment on this!!

thanks again girls!!! good luck to everyone!!!

what a mean woman. my gp/midwife didnt hesitate in sending me for an early scan.

i would ask to change if i were you. if mine was mean i wouldnt have her, as she may be delivering my baby. i will need to get on with her (which luckily i do)

good luck hun.
have you got an epau some of those r walk in and the do early scans there
How horrible of her!

Both my midwife and my GP referred me for an early scan becasue they thought I was 2 weeks further than I thought.

I know I'm right but I don't care if it gets me the reassurance of an early scan.

They just don't realise the worries that we go through in the first 12 weeks. The first scan is the first time you actually get to see what's growing inside you, and I'm sure it will make it all the more real and special.

Stick to your guns and ask the GP. Maybe turn on the waterworks aswell, always helps!!

TBH - so far I've found the whole NHS system to be un-sympathitic. I spent 3 hours in A&E a couple of week ago cause I had a some bloody discharge and no-one actually examined me. They put me and my hubby in a room for 3 hours and then eventually a Doc came and told me they were too busy and sent me home. I tried to get an early scan and they woman who answered the phone actually said "it doesn't doesn't matter even if you've had 3 or 4 MCs, we still won't give you an early scan". I had an MC in Sept at 8 weeks and when I went for a scan at 7 weeks there was a Doc and a trainee and the Doc turned to the trainee (not me and Hubby) and said "this is an example of a pregancy that is not proceeding and will end in MC" I was distraught and they both just left the room and sent in a Midwife to speak to us. :evil: The midwife tried to put us at ease but I did lose the baby a few days later.
What a croc! I've never heard such a load of rubbish - dangerous???? She probably thinks you're trying it on. Do they do nuchal fold scans in your area? If so, then it's important they know the EDD to within a week or so, otherwise you may miss the window where they can effectively measure the relevant part of the baby's neck.

I hope you're doctor just makes an appointment on your behalf - your MW sounds like a witch.

Good luck

thanks girls,

i really annoys me how we all pay our tax and the nhs just don't care. all the bad experiences you read about on this site are shocking. :evil:

i'm going to go on monday hopefully gp will see my point!!

will keep you posted!!

kirst :hug:
hi evry1! mu midwife is exactly the same. my sister had her aswell and she has just given birth, but 1 week after her due date she went for a hospital appointment because the baby had grown alot over 2 weeks but the hospital couln not do anything because the midwife had never weighed my sister, so they just sent her home. i had an appointment at 6 weeks with her, when i got there she gave me the green pregnancy booklet that has all your info on and sed im to busy to fill in your history today i will book you a scan and come and see me when you have had the scan. she didn't didnt ask me about previous pregnancies or anything. so i have got a blank booklet to take to the hospital and a few years ago i had a silent miscarriage that showed up on my 12 week scan so i am terrified that is going to happen agen. i cant afford to go private so just got to sit and wait and think positive. xxxxxxxx

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