Had booking in apt.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Well had my booking in appointment Wednesday with the midwife. As different from last time but still as it’s second time round they expect you to know everything, lol!

The midwife has put me as 9+ weeks and due on the 3rd. But my early scan would date me as 7+1 (yesterday). So as I accepted the Nuchal scan which has to be done between 11 and 13+6 she said I will get an appointment in the post. And then to make another midwife apt for 16 weeks which will be the next time I see her!!

I mentioned I thought my dates were out and she just said to let her know if the scan shows different dates and book with her for 16 weeks by the new dates. So I didn’t see the point telling her about the scan and having to wait an extra 2 weeks for the scan. And if it turns out too early to do the Nuchal fold measurement they’ll just have to give me another one, lol!

She has also made a consultant appointment for 20 weeks. In which I will get to discuss birth options, elective c-sections etc.

I mentioned to her about my last birth and how horrendous it was and asked if I could see my notes to see what happened and why. So I could try avoiding having another traumatic birth. See gave me a number for a service called ‘birth afterthoughts’. You make an appointment and have an hour with a midwife going over your notes and why what happened did and how to avoid it again. So I need to ring them.

She also gave me a number for physio and said I could self refer. (I had such bad sciatica last time I could barely get out of bed!).

And see said to make a GP appointment for my allergy testing. I had an allergic reaction to the liquid morphine they gave me last time after the section. I have mentioned it twice since to my GP but they said they hadn’t heard anything. Well the midwife had a letter from the hospital saying I should be tested. So I need to see a GP asap!

Although not sure what tests you can do when preggers??

So that was it really. Won’t see the midwife again for another 9 weeks! But hopefully will get a scan appointment soon. Although I don’t hold out much hope as last time they lost my details at the hospital twice!!!

Love to all,
Wow, sounds like you had a really thorough booking appt - mine seems really short and sweet in comparison lol! Think the service they are offering to go over your previous delivery sounds like a really good idea - you'll have to let us know what they say.

Think I would stick with your m/w's dates for now so that you get your dating scan sooner but at least you'll be prepared if they put you back a week or so.

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