hi adele... i'm in the 1st tri forum but read your post and wanted to reassure you about induction... i had a very positive induction experience although it did take a while to work with me...
with my first baby i was due on the 8th and they left me til the 15th before they took me in for induction... I had an appointment on the 6th for a sweep but they said my cervix was tight closed so they couldn't do the sweep and booked me in for the following week. I cried because i really wanted that sweep!!
i went in on the thursday 15th and had the prostin gel (which was fine - just like an internal). there were 6 ladies all being induced that morning and the other 5 it worked for quite quickly and they soon went off to the labour suites and i saw them all coming back with their babys!
i had some more prostin in the afternoon which gave me some mild contractions but still no dilation.
So the next day (friday 16th) had another prostin in the morning and basically no change in my cervix that day either! Another 5 women came in for induction and again it worked quickly for most of them too. I wasn't in too much pain and they let me have gas and air overnight if i wanted it too.. and also some pethedine which knocked me out so i could catch up on some sleep!!!!
By the Saturday (17th) i was so fed up with seeing all the other women come and go and that my baby still hadn't put in an appearance and i begged them for a c-section... however they did one final examination and said i had dilated 1cm overnight so i could have my waters broken and try for a natural labour!!!! me and my hubby cried with happiness!!!!
So 12 midday on the Saturday they broke my waters (which didn't hurt) .. i had to have the pitocin drip too as i still didn't dilate much so i decided an epidural would be a good idea...
the epidural was FAB and i am defo asking for one again next time. once that was working they just slowly increased the pitocin drip (whilst i chatted, watched tv etc with hubby) and by about 11pm i was fully dilated... then they left me for 1 hour... then at 1am (sunday morning now) they said i could start pushing. After about 1 hour my little girl was born naturally at 2
0am and i felt no pain whatsoever .. i could just about feel her head coming out but no pain at all. i tore and had stiches but even they weren't too bad or painful afterwards.... the worst pain i had was my enormous piles afterwards (sorry tmi!)
it was the best experience of my life and even though it took a few days to get me dilating and into labour it was so worth it. I had never known anyone who had been induced (let alone it taking more than a day!) and i think i would have been much better prepared if i had known it can take time to work for each person.
Anyway... all of my other friends went into labour naturally the very night before they were due to be induced!!! So hopefully the same will happen for you!
hope that you go naturally soon but if you do have to be induced - don't worry - it is really really fine and you are in the best place possible already with no mad dash to the hospital. You can plan your pain relief and although it is a bit more "controlled" you can still have an amazing natural delivery / birth that you want! The most important thing is that you end up with your beautiful baby - how and when the baby comes will be unique to you whatever happens...
good luck and any questions about induction just shout! hope it goes really well for you x x x ps sorry if i have waffled on!?!?!