
Keep us all informed - isn't a pain the backside all this waiting - I'm getting very impatient now and just wish i knew either way - if af is coming please make it fast!!!

You sound like an excellent mother, cholly, dont pull yourself down - your little louis and partner loves you very much remember, - just ignore what your partners mum says at times - i had a similar problem at first as my husband had quite a rough first marriage so she was very over protective when i came along and it took some time to get into her good books but things are fine now after 5 1/2 years being together (we got married 12 months after meeting each other).

Tori ella - I waited until i was 6 days late and then went to the doctors unfortuantely i could only take the blood test today (monday morning) so i'm now onday 9. At least blood tests are more accurate and they will always put your mind at rest. Whatever my results at least i know where i stand whether its the bcp playing havoc with my body or that i am pg. Suggest you do the same.

Take care

Keep your chin up girls.
Hi sheree,
my partners mum isn't that bad she was really against us in the beginning because i was soo young ( i was 14 and neil was 20) she is ok with me now, we actually get on very well now. i'm not sure what she thinks of me as a mother except i think she thinks i let louis get away with too much,(there's worse things to be accused of i suppose) she never say's anything but her face say's it all. we wouldn't be with out her though she helps us soo much.
i do love my little boy and partner very much i'm thankful to have both of them in my life.
any news!

i'm not sure how long it's until i o again my af is not very reliable as it proved this month ( i think it lulls me into a false sense of security and then changes it date lol) i have just finished my af and i'm planning a romantic evening for my partner as i type. my doctor told me some couples don't try in the first 2 weeks because they believe they don't o until later on, so she advised us to try all through the month which we have been doing.
good luck both ( and keep me posted)
Hi, cholly

Hope you've had a good day.
Yep got my results today and it was negative. So just waiting now for af to show. Hope cycles settle down quickly, I hate this waiting around now. As you know i am going on holiday shortly and no doubt she will come then.

Vicky - keep us informed when you test again.

Aw Shez I'm sorry you got AF!!

I thought it was going to be positive. that's kinda thrown me as we have had similar symptoms. Let us know when AF finally arrives!!

I think i'm going to try and wait it out as long as possible and try not to think about it.

Vicky xx
I'm sorry it was a negative i was convinced it was positive. i had my fingers crossed all day (well not all day but nearly)
i have been thinking about it all day for you but figured as you hadn't been on it was probaly a bfn.
did the test reveal anything else, any reason why your late?

Have a good holiday i hope af doesn't come while you are away but we both know how she thinks ( lets spoil all ther fun)

if af does come while your away at least you can get straight back to trying when you get home and have lots of fun doing it. we do!

I'm sure your cycle will settle down soon.

take care


Has anyone done a first response test early and it be a BFN, but still be pregnant? :?
Amy's mum, I just did 2 First Response tests (and I am two days late for AF) and they were BFN. I am just hoping that they were wrong. In my family several women have had BFN for weeks and weeks and ended up pg. I hope to carry on the legacy. Good luck!
hi, ladies

How is everyone???

Well back from holiday today and still no sign of af - now on CD51. pg symptoms all gone apart from a little bloating still but nothing as bad as earlier in month. On another forum they've suggested using Agnus Cactus to regulate cycles so think I'm going to start that next week. Not sure whether to take another test though.

Amy's mum - I've never actually used the First Response tests even though i've heard they are the best on themarket. I used the Predictor but got BFNs on both tests.

Shez I'm dying to hear what's happening with you. I hope to God you're pregnant after this long wait. I have a good feeling about it!

Yep it would be nice but got a feeling its the bcp screwing everything up. Bloating is really bad today - went swimming this morning and thought i would sink its that heavy!!

How are things going with you guys??? Going to leave it a while just to make sure before i test again. If i've missed a month than i should be due on again about the 16th may so we will see wht that shows

Hello everyone sorry for the delay in posting any replys hope everyone is well!

Hope you had a good holiday!
sorry to here your af has not arrived yet. a lot of my friends have had a simular problem when they finished with bcp. with them it took a while but they are regular now. i know when you breast feed your af can stop but you can still concieve not sure if that helps or not!

i have some good news did a test yesturday and it was a bfp i can't believe it this time i really thought i wasn't and i am! i feel really mean posting this knowing everyone else is still trying so i'm sorry but i'm so excited, i had to tell someone

Have you tested again yet.

Maybe you should try using the ovulation test kits they are supposed to be good and a least then you would know if you are ovulating.

let me know how you get on

Hello Cholly

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I am delighted for you. I hope that you have an easy pregnancy. Keep us updated.


Congratulations hun. Well done. How many months was it since coming off the bcp? - there maybe hope for us all hopefully soon. I'm really pleased for you. I bet dp is really chuffed also? Yep had a lovely holiday, just booked the next one now for june and get plenty of bding in at the same time. But still no sign of af - now on CD73 - think it will be a world record before long. I'm just hoping i am still ov and that i may still catch in the meantime. I'm taking AC to try and regulate things but nothing seems to have been happening up to now. If af doesn't turn up by the 3 month mark then i'm off to the nurse i think - see if there is something she can shake it up with!!!

Congrats again hun. Keep us informed on how it goes.

Love Sheree
Congratulations on your BFP!!!!!!! I am very pleased for you. Send some baby dust our way.
Thank you both!
I was never on the bcp i couldn't find one that didn't make me ill so used other methods.
everyone is over the moon but have made the mistake of telling my little boy who asks me everyday if the baby is coming out yet (this could get very tiring LOL!)
I'm feeling ok at the moment a little sick but not being sick which is a positive just really tired.
maybe the holiday will help to relax you and help take your mind off af, i know thats not easy but it may help that what i did, i didn't even try a test until i was 38 days plus because i was convinced i wasn't pg.
Please keep me posted both of you!
babydust to everyone
Hi everyone,
Congrats Cholly, I am really pleased for you. I've just joined the forum today so am floating around reading all the posts trying to catch up on everything!

I am getting a bit confused with the abbreviations though. I figure af means a period but what does it stand for? Also, what is bfp? Could someone reply with a list of the commonly used abbrevgiations, would be a great help!

In one of the previous posts it said something about an 'implantation bleed'. What's that? I've been on loads of websites but haven't come across this term. Think I'm trying to convince myself I've got one of those and that I didn't actually start my period today... :(

Since coming off the Depo injection I have been having periods anywhere between 8 and 26 days. I'm not even sure if I'm ovulating or if my body is just getting used to not being pumped full of hormones for the first time in seven years! The last two times I've managed 21 days so have convinced myself I'm pregnant by this point.

Hello and welcome Sal. AF stands for "Aunt Flo" and BFP means Big Fat Positive! For a list of abbreviations goo to the index forum and click on Helpful Information To Get You Started. Once you are there there is a list of abbreviations in the announcements. Hope to see you around the boards soon.

Implantation bleeding is when the embryo implants itself into your uterus. I don't think it is very heavy (I have never had it).


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