Help?! 18 days old with trapped wind..


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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I am absolutely exhausted :(

Harrison was literally up all night with trapped wind & I can't bring it up for love nor money. I've tried every position I know for winding!

I've done some baby massage and managed to get a few good farts out of him, but this only seems to work for 10 minutes max and then he's off again.

He's not crying though, just very whiney/grunty & constantly pulling his legs up towards him. He's also being really quite sick after feeding - much more than usual which I'm assuming is because he's full of wind.

I've got some inficol but it says on the bottle you can only use it from a month. I don't know what to do?!

I feel awful knowing that he is so uncomfortable and I can't do anything to soothe him :(

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My infacol bottl says from birth. Olly was exactally the same from 1week old so I bought some infacol and gav him it before every feed and he is like a different baby. Iv started giving him a bit of gripe water on his dummy after feeds now, he is 5 weeks on Thursday.

I found that having him lie flat on my knees rubbing the bottom of his back helped a lot.

Okay, I'm going to give it a go then because I can't bare to see him like this :(

How should I go about giving it to him? I'm bfing x

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You have to squeeze the teat twice and that makes 1 dose ... Give him it before you feed and it usually results in massive burps and pumps lol !

I really hope his helps for you, I know exactly how you feel ... It's horrible because your can see they are in pain and there is nothing you can do

I know how your feeling hun cos my lb has been colicy for weeks but has got worse and been like this for the last 5 days :( I give him infacol before every feed have changed to doctor brown bottles have tried comfort milk which didn't work now yesterdaya changed the brand of milk but last night after his 3am feed he literally fidgited moaned flapping about until 5.20am then wanted feeding again at 6..I'm out of options what I should do..I've also tried detinox colic drops which havnt worked..I'm going to speak to my health vistor about it xx
It's reflux. My son has it and is exactly the same - a proper wee fidget in bed.
My lg does this all the time! She doesn't cry and my HV said if she's not crying/in pain then to leave her to it :-/

He's sooo cute by the way! Xx

Tapatalking. X
Well I've given him some infacol for the last couple of feeds & I've also continued with the baby massage & still getting lots of farts.

I've put him down for his nap on his tummy & he is now fast asleep with no fidgeting or grunting atall.

So a combo of all 3 seems to have eased some of his discomfort at least!

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Here he is sleeping peacefully on the sofa x

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Have you tried the rolling thing? I sit Anna on my knee so she is facing sideways. Then hold her chin with my thumb and index finger and the palm of my hand on her chest to support her, then my other hand I do same thing but support back of her head and then lean her a little forward and then sort of move her anti clockwise. So it looks like stirring a big pot...that always gets the most trappedest of wind out. If that isn't explained well then I will get my bf to video me doing it to show you if you want lol xxx
Have you tried swaddling him. My lo can get like this and swaddling seems to soothe him? We have been doing it in a giant muslin in this heat x
God last night was horrendous ladies. He was just crying non-stop & wanted to feed all the time but whenever he fed he was so sick so was hungry again within the hour.

I had a bit of breakdown because it was awful not being able to soothe him, and had to wake OH (he works full time so I so night feeds) at 4am just to take him off me for a bit as i was literally in tears.

I think in going to make a doctors appt for him today & see if they can recommend anything else!

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Sounds like reflux with a bit of colic thrown in for good measure! Poor you, I know what it's like to have those middle of the night meltdowns :hugs:

See what the GP says. If they think reflux they might give you gaviscon to try. I would keep on with the infacol, you should use it before every feed to see the benefit. It's not usual for newborn babies to BF every hour, vomiting or not.

Hope things improve soon. I know it seems a long way off, but they usually grow out of colic by 12 weeks xxx
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A few questions:
(I assume you are formula feeding) which feed are you on? (You could change to the comfort version)
What size teat are you using? Do they have a valve? (If you are on the slow 0 teat, try increasing to next one or variflow as baby could be struggling to get milk out and swallowing lots of air, also the valve needs to point upwards by the baby's nose)
What bottles are you using? (Tommee Tippee are know for causing colic think about changing if using them Dr Browns or Mamms are good).
Infacol is from birth give it with every bottle if that no good try colief (more expensive £10 but goes in the formua not dropped into mouth)
Try and put lo in a bouncing chair after feed for about 10-20 minutes for the feed to go down.
I'm breastfeeding, but also expressing milk & giving it via bottles - Dr Browns bottles, natural flow, and giving him infacol before every breast & bottle feed x

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