hello from me


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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hi ladies,

just thought i'd write a wee note to say hello and hope you're all doing ok. month three for me. thinking of going for the relaxed approach this month (erm is that possible?! lol), so may be a bit quiet for the next few weeks.

bundles of baby dust to everyone.

laura xxxx

ps my cousin told me she is pg this weekend - ahhhhhhhhhh. lol. when you want to be pg, everyone is! xx
few BFP recently with people chilling out a bit and not doing the deed so often. Hope this worksvfir you. Good luck!
Thanks Tracey. Good luck to you too!xxx
Everyone's getting pregnant around me it seems, I just keep smiling though gritted teeth and hoping it'll be me soon...annoying girl in my office who's pregnant keeps coming in every day with something new to show off, it's soooo irritating.
Hiya Laura! I'm aiming to do the same thing this month too, so we've been redecorating and occupying ourselves with walking our dogs etc, just to get out of the house etc.

We stopped pinpointing things and we've been BD'ing as we feel like it.

I hope this month brings your BFP hun. x
Hiya Laura :)

Wish i could say the same, i'm still as crazy as ever - i get worse every cycle.

Always trying something new lol
Hi Laura, were in our 4th month of TTC. We was sort of relaxed this month, AF due on sunday so will have to wait and see.

Hope it works for you and baby dust from me xxx
hey laura

good idea i think. last month was my first 'crazy' month of ttc. i literally was thinking about it every second of the day. we haven't bd'd much this month at all and i'm really not expecting anything at all (except AF) and it feels sooo nice to have the pressure off again :) hope you enjoy yur break xx
good luck laura.... it was 3rd time lucky for me so lets hope your third month is lucky too. Lots of babydust!! Take care x
Thanks ladies. It can drive you insane eh? Hope we all get our BFP soon. I personally think I will die of shock if I ever see two lines!

Cherelle - hope you're doing well ladykins. Miss ya xx
ooh and Louise how did you get that pic? lol love it! x
I was hoping you'd notice it at some point - i find it v amusing, even had my hubby laughing at it :good:

Poor Pikachu :twisted:

I made it on photoshop, mainly stealing probably copyrighted material and pasting it all and then tweeking it :)

If you have an idea, let me know and i'll see what i can do - it's a bit of a hobby really. I haven't got the right hardware to draw my own images, but i can write text :)
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Awww miss you too! Im good - constantly feeling/being sick but part from that!

I love that pic Louise! x
Sorry for the late reply!

Cherelle - glad you're doing ok. Sorry to hear about you being sick, hope it eases up! Although at least it's a good sick if you know what I mean!

Louise - profile pic is wicked! Will have to think of something....I will get back to you! xx

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