hello everyone


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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hi everyone. I just found out yesterday i had a missed miscarriage. going in for DandC on Monday. Im going through stages of feeling fine, and then suddenly feeling just awful. I guess this is normal? Just wondering what to expect afterwards, and how long until I just feel okay again?

Thanks for listening,

Flower x
oh hun im so sorry :( you will be feeling like this for a while everyone is different and the grieving process will vary some people handle it better soon or like me im still struggling over a month on. just look after yourself and if you feel upset then let it out dont keep it in.

There is no amount of time you have to or will grieve for just give yourself loads of time it will get easier hun i promise you.

I had a D and C and i bleed for a bit for a couple of days which is what they said is normal, if you need anything you can PM me any time, or just post everyone is here for you. :hug:

Hope monday goes as well as it can possibly go look after yourself hun will be thinking of you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x
aww darling im soo sorry,cant say how long it lasts as im still going through it now,not to bad emotionally now so it will get easier,pm me if you need a chat :hug:
aww darling im so sorry to hear that horrid news ive had a missed miscarrage myself so if you need to chat im on msn if you give me your adrees if you have it or pm me whenever xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hun again i am so sorry i hope you get through this i thi9nk the healing stage is different for everyone hun :hug:
Thanks everyone for the positive messages, it definitely helps get through things. Im feeling a bit better today, just want to get monday over and done with. Bit worried about going back to work this week, not sure how up for it I really am.

flower x
im glad you are feeling a bit better today i will be thinking about you on monday. Can you take some time of work hun? Do they know what has happened? I was lucky i told my boss at work she kept asking me if i was preg so i told her and when i miscarried she made me take a week off and all the girls now know (my desision). I work in a day nursery so its hard some days to work in the baby room, but i have everyones support. sorry going on a bit x x :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: so sorry flower, please take care of you now and don't expect too much of yourself too soon, Take time off work if you can doll, you need to grieve, i am so sad to hear this today :cry: Know that we are all here for you if you need to talk of cry or just reach out :hug: ok... Lv Yvonne xx

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