Hello Again...

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Well, I just found out today that i am expecting... Again! So the big handfasting me and L had planned for next year will have to be delayed again! I am going to be a mama to 2 children under 2... I used to think people with such a small age gap were batty but here i am... baby of 10 months and 3 weeks pregnant with my second!

So, any words of wisdom from mamas with two little beansprouts so young? I am more worried about the effect it will have on J, who is a very attached little 10mnth old, still sleeps in the bed with us, always worn in a sling rather than pushed in a buggy... I hope he is okay with it all and i hope i can continue to breastfeed him...

Scared, tired and excited! Hugs and advice greatly appreciated!!
Congrats :)) my friend has two under the age of 3 and they are best friends! Good luck Xx
Squeeeeee!!! Congrats Hun!! I'm sure he'll be fine! There's only a year between mine and everything just kind of falls into place!
Congrats!! :love: I think a small age gap is lovely :) x Theres only a year between me and my younger sister and we're best buds :) x
Congratulations Hun x
Congratulations! My brother has one that's 2,5 and one that,s 1 and one on the way! When the one that is one was born the oldest one, still not able to walk or talk, would crawl to the cradle of the newborn and try to push the cradle to make it swing back and forth and say sssssssshhhhh, ssssshhhhhh, if the baby was crying a little or seemed unhappy in any way. Soooooooo cute!!!

The only advice I can give based on what I've seen with my siblings is to rest whenever you can!!! and start talking to your little one about it all early, by the time your 10 month old gets a baby sister or brother 1 and a half and actually quite big, and able to understand a lot of what you tell him and what is going on.

One thing my mom told me she did with my and my brother (bigger agegap, but could still be useful) was that whenever she was breastfeading me she would have him next to her or on his lap if she could and read a book to him. So the time he could so easily have been jealous of and felt left out of instead became a happy positive routine that he would look forwards to.

I'm sure a lot of people in the pregnancy and toddler forums can give you a lot of great advice for more specific things you might worry about!

Best of luck! And again, congratulations :)
Ahhhhh congrats!!!!! Little brother or sister for Mr J :yay:
Yay!! Congrats bigbump!! Welcome back to the forum!!
Wow J's 10months already! Gone so quick!
x x
My cousin has 5 children all under the age of 8.
She brought three of them up on her own, including a baby because their father wasn't a very good one.
She now has a new fiance, they have a toddler and a 6/7 month old.

My sister in law has 5 small children also.

My Gran got pregnant 3 weeks after having my auntie, the age gap between my mum and my auntie is 4 weeks :lol:

Anyone can do it, it's not impossible.
Of course it can be a handful, but that's coming from women with 5 young children not two :p
They wouldn't change anything for the world though.

Congratulations to you! xxx
Congrats! I wouldn't worry about having 2 under 2 years it'll all come together and will work out fine, when i had my last baby my kids ages were 4, 2, 15 MTS and new baby, it's hetic but you just get used to it, it's scary to think you'll have them both young but it'll be fine x

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