heavy spotting.......I'm in a frenzy!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I've just been to the loo and when I wiped there was heavy spotting and now I'm working myself up into a frenzy about it because I don't know what to do.

I've not got a MW yet (1st appointment is next week) so I can't call on her for advice and I don't know where to turn.

I've tried ringing my DH and he's not answering his calls and I going mental now... with this and the pains I had in my right hand side all weekend I am totally thinking the worst!

I've had a couple of bits of spotting but they've only been very light, so light really that I could have been imagining it but there's no doubting it this time. I've not got any cramping really....well nothing worse than I've had for the past three weeks.....

I've rang the docs and I've got to go up at 3pm today but I don't know what good that will do.... I don't know what they expect the doc to do.

I'm stuck at work because my boss is out and I can't leave without talking to her first and all I want to do is :cry: :cry: :cry:
hope everything is ok, i think u should ring the early pregnancy ward at the hospital they might be able to help- its probably nothing but hopefully u can get an early scan to put ur mind at rest xxx
i wouldhave a nip to A&E hun and see what they say, they will prob scan u to see where the blood is coming from :hug:
HUN please do not worry!!!! :hug:

if the bleeding is only light and your not getting bad cramping i am sure it wont be anything - i would do as Mary says and ring or nip to A&E though hunny just to help you stop worrying.

hope everything is ok babes

:hug: :hug:
:hug: Try not to panic, its probably nothing to worry about but you could call nhs direct to get some advice on the phone now. Hope everything is ok.
Oh Chrissy,
Try not to worry Hun I know that that is probably impossible for you right now but I have seen so many posts like this where things turn out to be just fine.
You have done the right things by getting a Drs appointment. If you cant leave work earlier to pop down the hospital then at least you have that.
Thinking of you,
Big hugs :hug:
Please try not to panic. Many women have spotting in first tri and its not a problem.

If you are not having severe pain and cramps and heavier bleeding I'd really not get yourself into a state about it.

When I had spotting in first tri I went to see my GP the same day who was lovely and he explained things to me. He was honest and said that even a trip to hospital would not change anything if it was going to happen. He felt I was better off going home, resting up for the day and taking it easy rather than stressing and running off to hospital and so on. So I took his advice. The spotting eased off and I had no heavier bleeding. And things progressed fine after that.

He told me if I experienced any heavier more continual bleeding and cramps to call him and he would book me in with the EPU for a scan but otherwise to wait and see and give the spotting a chance to pass. I know it doesn't work for everyone but I'm one of those that felt ok with waiting a day or two and giving my body a bit of time to sort itself out and seeing what nature was going to do.
Chrissy firstly :hug: :hug: :hug: Now try not to panic (easier said than done I know) - would you period be due now? You got your BFP on 1st January didnt you so I just wondered if you would be due around now as my mum bleed a little each month when her period was due with my brother - that was 45 years ago and she was in and out of hospital because of it and he is fine!

You are doing the best thing going to the GP - do they have a EPAS unit in Stoke? I know the one in Shrewsbury is really happy for you to ring them for advice - they maybe able to calm you down a little. If not do you want me to PM you my mobile number - I dont mind talking to you at all if you want someone to talk to x x x x x
mary70 said:
i wouldhave a nip to A&E hun and see what they say, they will prob scan u to see where the blood is coming from :hug:

Oh you poor thing. Try to stay calm and positive, I'm sure baby is fine. :hug:

I would personally leave a message with one of your colleagues and leave work... You won't be able to concentrate until you know LO is ok.

Hope everything is ok for you sweetie xxx
Cheres ROM.... I think it was mildly who got her BFP on 1st Feb. Mine was 15th Feb. I'd be due for OV about now and AF wouldn't be due for another couple of weeks.

I know I'm probably working myself up over nothing and it will all be fine but after ttc for so long I'm just dreading something happening!

I've not got bad cramps and I'd still say it's more like spotting rather than actual bleeding but for the past two months before AF I had the same kind of spotting so I think that's making it worse.

I haven't got a hard job, I sit behind a desk, so I'm staying here for a while because I'll worry myself more if I go home.

I think we do have an EPAU but I don't have a clue how to get their number or anything like that to give them a call.
I'm sorry :oops: got you confused... I am sure it is nothing and I think you are being sensible not rushing home I know if it was me I would just sit and worry if I was on my own. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Chrissy :hug:

i know exactly how you are feeling - this has happened to me over the weekend but my was brown spotting and only once it was red, called the out of hours doctor who was very reassuring etc - anyway today im off work and had nothing just a bit of dark brown - im off to the doctors at about 4.30pm just to see if this is normal or not - hopefully she will offer for us to go and have a scan.

Dont panic - i did this and it made me worse - i would just go straight to the doctors and get their advice.

fingers crossed for both of us - and let me know how you get on and i will let you know xx

take care hun

Kate xx
What a worry.. try to stay calm Chrissy

I've read it's so common. As long as there's no heavy red bleeding and pains then you should be fine

I had brown discharge around 4 weeks and I also panicked a bit, I thought it was the usual spotting I get before my period.

Hope everything's well. Let us know what happens at the Dr

Try not to panic Chrissy. Remember we have read lots of posts on here where this happens to girls and they turn out to be just fine.

I hope everything is ok and you get some help and advice at your doctors appointment.

Chrissy :hug: :hug: hoping everything is OK. They do say a little brown spotting is often nothing to worry about. Everything crossed for you and your bean.
thanks girls...... it was nice to know I could turn to you all when I needed it :hug:

I'm back from the docs now and he was nice. He has booked me in for an early scan at the epau on Wednesday morning and said that if it gets any worse or becomes proper bleeding with clots or I start getting pains to either call out a doctor or go straight to the A&E

I've just been loo again and it seems to have eased off a little although that could also be because I wiped it so much last time but I'm hoping it will just be me going on one about nothing again!!

Mrs H - hope your docs appointment goes ok and you get a scan too.

If my spotting does stop I'm going to be well excited about this scan!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: You sound much calmer - seeing your bean will be so exciting x x x
Glad you saw a nice Dr - hope the spotting goes completely and you get to see your little bean clearly on weds :hug:

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