Heaving at work...


Active Member
Mar 4, 2012
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So yeah, my 1st scan isn't until I'm 14 WEEKS!! Hmmph! I feel like I have an eternity to wait. I don't wanna tell the world either until I've seen it for myself! I'm 12 weeks on Friday and am beginning to.....thicken.....around the waist. A girl at work today guessed correctly as I was extremely green around the gills and had to run out to puke. I couldn't do it discretely as I work in a high school and had a class at the time! So when she said "Emmm, I'm getting a vibe here...!" I could deny it! Dammit! Bang goes my secret! She is sworn to secrecy but...still .....annoying! That was a 1st for me too - throwing up in school - it was well grim. You know what I think triggered it too? One of the kids had loads of cheap fake on - you know that rank, biscuity smell! Bleurghh!

I will not get through this term if I cannot withstand the smell of fake tan (every 2nd girl at our place has well and truly been tango'd!) YAK. :lol:
sorry to hear ur suffering with sickness hun

I was the same at wrk but everyone in our department knew I was pregnant so it wasnt as bad but once I was outwith the department I had to hide it as only a select few knew until after our scan xx
I've had the odd "near miss" at work, but found that sipping ice cold water can sometimes help with the immediate nausea. I know for some people though it goes the other way!!
I vomited in my boss's bin, whilst she was sat at her desk :blush: x
its hard isnt it.. iv had to have a couple of days of due to really bad sickness and everyone keeps asking me if im pregnant.. finding it hard to come up with excuses now.. still got 4 weeks to go until my scan though and dont want any one finding out just yet. i feel sick all the time and nothing seems to get rid of it.. my poor OH has had enough allready and im only 7 weeks lol.. hopefully it will clear soon
ohh theres nothing worse than being sick at work, im a home carer for the elderly in the community, and this morning one gentleman want bacon and eggs for his breakfast, not the best thing to cook when m/s is there, i was hovering over the sink and trying to cook his breakfast, then my last morning call had to leave a poor lady sat naked on her bed while i was on the royal throne speaking to god, the poor lady :( not funny but when i told my line manager she brust out laughing :(

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