

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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got heartburn for the 1st time today :x not happy at all, it's not that painful but just annoying!! not even been eating anything that particularly sets it off, so it must just be because i'm pregnant! from reading all my pregnancy books i was prepared for it and know what causes it, but has anyone got any miracle remedies that they have used? i'd rather try natural remedies first, if they don't work i'll have to think of something else!

had some milk earlier, that seemed to help a bit, but i've drunk it all now!!
Sipping milk all day every day helps, but as you said, it runs out, and it turns my stomache after a while. Keep yourself propped up on pillows if it bothers you at night. Fatty foods made mine worse. It's not a natural remedy, but Gaviscon Liquid works wonders, and you should be able to get it on prescription.

Tracy xx
Rennies and Settlers are ok to use- they even say so on the packets. I carry them everywhere now. On bad days even water seems to set it off! I can't tolerate milk so I also have soya milk and that really does help (better than anything else I've tried) but it's hard to carry that around with you all the time!

Hope this is a one off for you!

thanks girls! i'll probably go get some rennies, as you say - milk IS a little difficult to carry around all the time! (luckily i had some in the fridge at work today!)
Gaviscon liquid - is the only thing that will shift mine
Right Ive got the book out again, try these options:

Eat several small meals slowly, rather than wolfing down three main ones

Aviod spicy, highly seasoned, fried or fatty foods, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, spearmint and peppermint and anything with lots of chemical additives

Wear lose clothing around your tummy

dont fold yourself up on the couch because that squashes your tummy, and bend from th knees not the waist to pick things up

If heartburn is worse when you lie flat try elevating your head by at least 15cm (6in) with pillows

try not to put in to much extra weight

dont smoke

try foods such as milk, yoghurt or acidophilus drinks which neutralise stomach acid.
Gaviscon......every time!!! And it's free on prescription which is good as it's not cheap!!
i'm stating to get heartburn every night from tea time onwards. I'm going to have to get some Gaviscon. Still I would prefer this to being sick like i was at tea time a few weeks back, thankfully that only lasted one week!!
In my book, it says papaya is great against heartburn! have not tried it yet as I can't find this fruit where I am, but in Uk, you should be able to find it in Tescos!

if you try it and it helps, please let me know, as I am fed up with this horrible burn! and I don't drink milk either!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care,

Mel xx

For heartburn I always use Rennies Chewies which are ok in pregnancy and are actually NICE !! unlike Gaviscon which makes me feel sick

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxx

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