

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2013
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After 8 days of watching spotting get worse, it's over. This afternoon I started bleeding heavily and passed a huge clot. I'm 9+2 weeks. I went to my Dr the day after the spotting started and he made a referral to the maternity clinic and told me to go home and rest and wait to hear from them, if it gets worse and I was in pain then go to the hospital. It got a bit worse but I'm still wasn't in any pain so stayed at home. The maternity clinic rang me on Tuesday to make an appointment and when I explained about the spotting they said to go to the emergency room and they would do a bedside scan. We waited 4 hours to be seen and when the er Dr came to do the scan he didn't really know what he was looking at, "you convince yourself that's the uterus but is it?" And then said "I see a heartbeat, there, maybe". He decided he couldn't be sure what was happening and to go back for repeat blood tests in 3 days to see if my hormone levels have risen. That would have been tomorrow. This is my third loss. After waiting so long to get our lo born last summer we were so shocked but over the moon to fall again now. We thought it would take years again if it ever happened at all. I feel so lost. I don't know where to go from here. We moved here 6 months ago so I have no family or close friends near. How do I move on alone?
Oh darling I don't know what to say..

I really am sorry!!

Loosing a baby is a horrible thing to go through..

I hope time heals & you are back in the TTC area in the not so distant future :eek:)

Oh hun I'm so sorry for your loss and that your feeling so alone xxx
Oh coz I'm so sorry about your loss xx
Thank you ladies x. I woke up this morning feeling irrationally bitter about it. I've watched dh and dd settle down and make lives for themselves over here, making friends and new hobbies but I had nothing. Being pregnant was going to be my story in our Canadian adventure. I feel so robbed. It's not their fault this happened but I feel so jealous that what they wanted from life out here fell into place for them but I'm left with heartache and pain. I didn't really want to move here in the first place but for a few weeks it felt like it had been worth it. I feel let down by the medical system here. Before we left the emergency room on Tuesday the Dr said there 2 things that would change the out come, stop smoking and taking vitamins. Really? Is this the secret every woman who has miscarried multiple times needs to know? I don't think so, that's just insulting. Especially as I am a non smoker, which he would have known if he looked at my chart properly! It felt like he was telling me I had put my baby at risk so this was my own fault. Spent last really questioning if I really was at fault. What more could I have done?

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