

New Member
Dec 25, 2012
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Hi everyone. I didn't think I'd be joining a pregnancy board and posting such sad news.

I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant last month, and after an initial panic I was happy. I had some stomach pain on Thursday, went for an early scan and although I should have been 8 + 5, the sonographer said I was nowhere near that, and all they could see was a sac with a fetal pole and no heartbeat. I had some bloods taken, and the midwife said there were 2 options - my dates were wrong from my last period, or I was miscarrying. I went home in shock, and started to bleed that night. I've been bleeding and cramping since.

I'm just devastated. I feel numb, then anger, and then can't stop crying. On top of this, I've been awful to my boyfriend and have said some terrible things. So I'm worried on top of this, he'll leave me. It's just such a difficult time, and I feel stupid for feeling the way I do. I just can't see an end to this!
Oh honey Im so sorry! It truely is an awful thing to go through! In terms of your boyfriend you are just hurting so just try to speak to him. Take care honey! Xxx
So sorry to read this hunney, its a awful tihng to go through, i no it wont feel like it but you will come out the other side it just takes time, i was exactly the same last month when i had a MC, and i was a stroppy old cow to my OH who was just trying to be nice, he will be there for you an understand why its so hard and your so down, you need to take care of yourself and try not to beat yourself up about it, its just shit that we have to go through a MC, thinking of youxxx
Thanks to both of you, and a merry Christmas!

I feel a bit better after some sleep, it's just hard going through this roller coaster of emotions constantly. I keep thinking at least I was early, and some people have it so much worse, but a life is still a life, and I think what I am feeling is grief.

Sorry to hear your sad news :( I'm sure you are grieving for your baby, having a MC is awful and you do grieve.
You need to give yourself time to deal with what has happened xx
Yeah hun you will be grieving doesnt matter how early you are, its still a baby in our eyes, and we became a mummy the day we got the bfp. So its hard its bloody awfull, i had all sorts of emotions, was all i thought about, still abit miserable about what happened but when i thinking about stuff i try and push it out of my head as it makes me sad, its nothing we did i try think it wasnt meant to be this time as hard as it seems because it was meant to be in my eyes, but our time will come we will get our sticky beanxxx
It's an awful thing to deal with and is a loss, no matter how long you knew about it. It's a massive thing for anyone to deal with, I was vile to my hubby too but not only are you grieving, you're disappointed but your hormones are over the place.
Just explain and apologise, no one in their right mind wouldn't understand.
Do try to have a lovely Christmas, look after yourself, hugs xxxx
Miscarriages are hard! Emotionally draining & totally devastating!
You need to allow yourself time to grieve, get plenty of rest and keep the communication lines open with your partner.
sorry to hear you had such a terrible experience over Xmas......

I had the same thing a the beginning of november - I was supposed to be 7 weeks and started spotting bright red blood - had a scan and everything measured about 5 weeks even though there was a heartbeat! but the next day I miscarried everything. I went through all the same emotions as you.

take care of yourself and I'm sure your boyfriend will understand, it's a terible thing to go through and your emotions are all over the place and things you may have said were reflections on this.
I'm so sorry hun , take a day at a time, and really do share your feelings with each other, mc is so emotionaly draining, you need each other for support X

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