
Laura - definitely!! :thumbup:

I told hubby that AF had found me (not with those words of course) and his face just dropped. :(

I had a really good long cry earlier - surprised my dogs didn't howl along with me (lol) so I felt like I'd got it out of my system but when I saw his face, I welled up and then he shed some tears and I just started crying all over again. :( :(

Poor hubby, I think it's upset him more than he thought it would.

We still went out though, he was determined not to sit indoors and mope, because like I've said, we're only on our 3rd cycle now so it's early days yet and we needed to get out of the house and do something other than look and feel miserable.

I'm completely chuffed that he's agreed to buy the Fertility Plan pack that I wanted which means I'll be tracking my BBT with my chart *and* using OV sticks so hopefully we'll have a better chance this time around. :D

I'm feeling more positive about things now and can't wait for my new goodies to arrive!! :yay: :yay:

A massive thank you to everyone for your support, you lot are all so amazing and I don't know what I'd do without you. :)

GROUP HUG! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

x x x x

P.S. By the way, my FP pack comes with 50 OV sticks. Given the length of my crappy cycles, should I get a few more of them just in case my cycle goes on for ages? I don't want to run out of them and then OV really late in my cycle. :confused:
P.S. I have emailed the seller on Ebay to ask if they can add a few more OV sticks because my cycle is so unpredictable that I want to make sure I have more than enough - plus I might end up doing 2 OV tests in one day and I don't want to run out LOL. x x
sounds like s good plan to me petal!!! yay for next month....bring it on!!!! xxx
Hi hunny,
I think 50 OPK's should be enough, you prob won't need to start testing until the latter part of your cycle; prob from about CD45, so even if you test twice a day you should have enough :-)
Good luck and glad you are feeling better x
Hi Hun,

Hope you're ok. :hugs:

Glad you've got your OPKs and temps kit sorted, they will really help you out.

I think you should definitely go back to the docs, I had a crappy experience when I first went about my long cycles and again the other day.

After the first time I kicked off as, basically the doctor couldn't even answer my questions and I asked for a doctor with a better understanding of fertility to see me next and that's when I got referred to the hospital and also had my PCOS bloods done and my CD21's that I have tomorrow.

I don't mean to scare you but longer cycle can sometimes be anovulatory- (no OV) so although you might pick up LH on the OPKs this will not confirm ovulation (it confirms the LH surge), only the CD21 blood test will.

I think you have a good enough reason for the docs to give you one, and it will mean you can TTC without the worry why you have the long cycles and whether you actually OV.

I'm gonna ask the nice nurse that does my blood tomorrow her opinion about your cycles and see what she says.

I'm so sorry MissJ :cry:

You'll have a much better shot next cycle with your OPKs, so try to think ahead :hug:

It doesn't matter how long you've been trying, everyone has their own situation to deal with. I mean, very few of us have had to deal with such a long cycle and that is something that i know that i personally would find very hard to deal with but fortunately i never have had to.

I'm sorry you both got your hopes up and now feel so sad.

It doesn't make you a coward to take a break from the forum for a while, i think it actually makes you stronger than most because you have to sort your head out for yourself but i think ultimately it will make everything so much clearer and yourself so much more better able to cope in future.

Don't be a stranger xx
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Samsgirl - I can't wait hun, feel like I'm going to really give it my all this time. Last cycle we BDed pretty much every day so part of me is wondering where we went wrong and now I've ordered my pack, I'm so excited! :) x x

Jenny - I guess that's true, thanks hun. :) x x

Maybe - Aw thanks, that'd be great! I did mention anovulatory cycles to hubby and said perhaps we ought to keep the referral for the ultrasound and mention it at the hospital. Thanks again hun, any info is great. :D x x

Louise - Thanks hun, I really appreciate your kind words. It's so lovely to have this support and I'm really grateful. :) x x

Thanks girls, you're all so wonderful. x x

:hug: :hug:
Ah i have only just read this - so a little late but im really sorry for you. I cant begin to understand how frustrating it must be to have such long cycles!

I hope that you are feeling better - and positive............on to the next month!

Loads of luck
Thanks hun.

Going to try using OPKs and a basal thermometer this time but we also will do as much BDing as possible! x x
Hope you're feeling better now Miss J and you enjoyed your Rose and choccy.

Hiya hun. I'm doing ok but hubby is still feeling a bit low. :(

We've had good chats about things and we've agreed to have a go with the OPKs and see what happens. :thumbup:

He's bringing me my favourite chocolates home along with some rosé as we couldn't find any chocolate and the rosé only had enough for one glass! So looking forward to my little treats tonight. :D

Thankfully my AF seems to be on her way out, good riddance to her, spiteful old hag. :slap:

x x
Aww glad you're ok,

Have you had a proper AF? Like with fresh blood?

Well yes, I'm still bleeding. :(

The first day was a bit weird though because I had like a really dull crampy ache on my left side and when I was at my mum's, I popped to the loo and (WAY TMI) I had a big lump of blood and EWCM(!) just....hanging from me.. :blush:

Waaaaay TMI, sorry but I was pretty surprised to see it! Since then I've been losing black clots, varying in size but yes, bleeding like AF.

Oh, I didn't have normal AF cramps either..? I had the weird feeling on CD1 when it started and then yesterday I had no cramping at all.

x x
Oh Miss July...sorry but I've not been on internet over weekend as wallowing in my own self-pity..... I'm sooooo gutted for you...... hold on..... I said I'd eat my hat if it was not your month... *choke* :sick: aaaawww honey after all that time, I feel for you I really do. That blasted witch had been a right pain in the ass this month for many I just want to :strangle: her.....

I've ordered up my OPKs for this cycle and will do them properly this time. I'm feeling more positive now, so hope you are in a better place today?

:thanks: For all your support you have given me and I'm just sending it all right back at ya!

Tracey x Oh and this is me on a PF break too - lasted a weelend lol
Aw hun. :hug:

My "break" lasted a few hours! :blush:

I know, she really did her rounds this month. :(

Yay! I've ordered mine too, hopefully they'll be here by Weds/Thurs. :D

Aw thanks hun, you've been fab to me, a real support! x x
Hi Hun,

I don't know whether it's because your AF has been such a long time coming but black blood and blood and cm, I think would normally be classed as spotting either in pregnancy or implantation.

I'd really speak to your doc's again as there is something going on with you thats not normal, and whatever is causing it you deserve answers.

Keep me posted..


I thought I was bleeding too much for IB?

It's not as heavy as my normal AF and I didn't have any of my usual AF signs.

I still have the bruised boobs feeling, nipples still odd and still have white spots but I dismissed it as I started bleeding. Oh and it started off pinky but is red now, but I can tell that I have lots of clear CM with it too, no idea if anyone else gets that? x x
I've just been doing a lot of research about IB over the weekend as I had a flash of red blood and them pink and brownish CM.

What I would suggest Hun is call the docs back, I called this morning and and told them what's happened with me and the Nurse called me back.

Did you see a lady doctor or a man?? If you saw a man try and see a woman, in my experience seeing 2 male docs at my surgery they just don't seem to understand as much as the women.

You really deserve blood tests hun, try and get them, as you need to have the first ones at CD 5 I think.

Thanks Maybe. :) x x

Will see how the bleeding goes as I do think it's AF and I know hubby won't be keen on going back to the docs straight away - I'm surprised he's agreed with the OPKs!

I saw a male doc who was bloody useless. He didn't even talk to me during my own appointment, he spent the entire time talking to my hubby about it all. I wasn't asked any questions at all either.

I think I will give this cycle a go and see what happens first but will definitely keep it in mind. :D x x
ahh that's good, well I really hope things go well and you get a nice short cycle this time!

And I'll have a sneaky hope that it isn't AF too! ;-)

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