Health and Safety Risk Assessment

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Has anyone had one of these yet? I have been reading our policy at work and i am meant to have had one on they day they found out i was pregnant. Not yet had one and nealry half way through the pregnancy!

Anyone able to give me an idea of what this involves?
You should definately have one, speak to your manager or HR.

It will basically look at your job and identify any risks that can be reduced. ie if you are normally on your feet all day it might be suggested that you could do something where you are sitting more often or if you have to lift anything heavy that there is an alternative so you don't have to or if you do alot of driving that regular breaks are introduced so you can stop and walk around.

Its really important and your company are already neglegent for not doing one, they would be in trouble if you had an accident. You should also have updated ones throughout your pregnancy as your needs change.

God, lazy companies make me :evil: :D
Ita funny that you say that because I told my employer from day one that I was pregnant and I still haven't had a risk assessment either! Theres another girl that I work with who's also expecting and they didn't do one with her either!
I had one, it was fun, I felt really pampered. They got me a nicer chair, gave me a footstool and a little radiator cause I can be all cold an' stuff.
The radiator was still warm when they bought it in and told me some poor bloke in Engineering was going to really miss it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Nope I've not had one yet, although I did sort all the forms out for my boss :roll:
Im not sure if this makes it worse but i work for a local Authority so its not like a little company! I have been told there is one aspect of my job i shouldn't do but thats about it - that only happened as there was a re-structure of the department!

Sent an email to my boss and asked for one!
Becs said:
I had one, it was fun, I felt really pampered. They got me a nicer chair, gave me a footstool and a little radiator cause I can be all cold an' stuff.
The radiator was still warm when they bought it in and told me some poor bloke in Engineering was going to really miss it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Same here! (Except the radiator place isn't THAT generous :( )

I had a nice chair with a backrest, a gel keyboard thing, a gel mousemat and I get somebody to turn on my computer every day cause the tower is under the desk, and I can't bend down no more :( (I swear that's not good even for non pregnant people)
Push for it hun.

I got told with my first that it would be done. Lo and Behold it never did. In hindsight I should have kicked up a fuss but I was so busy working my @rse off (DH has never forgiven himself for lettingmy old workplace treat me like they did :( ) that I didn't want the extra hassle.
I still haven't had one either. When I asked about it they said the risk asessment I had when I started the job covers it! I don't believe I had a risk assessment back then anyway as all I did was sign a form to say I wasn't working with any dangerous chemicals.

I hate my employer with a passion!
They made me step down as supervisor and become a check out assistant (meaning a pay cut) because they changed their opening hours and I didn't want to work till 9.30pm at night. Didn't have a leg to stand on cos I've been there less than a year, it was either take a pay cut, accept the new working hours or get sacked :roll:

My employer (Somerfield) is shocking in loads of respects though when it comes to caring for their emplyees, I've never worked for such a mickey mouse company. I wouldn't shop their either, they don't treat their customers any better.

Can't you tell I love my employer! :twisted:
My school did the risk assessment right back when I was 8 weeks - but it was b0ll0cks and they didn't implement anything in it - so what was the point?

Legally though you ARE supposed to have one.
muppetmummy said:
I still haven't had one either. When I asked about it they said the risk asessment I had when I started the job covers it! I don't believe I had a risk assessment back then anyway as all I did was sign a form to say I wasn't working with any dangerous chemicals.

I hate my employer with a passion!
They made me step down as supervisor and become a check out assistant (meaning a pay cut) because they changed their opening hours and I didn't want to work till 9.30pm at night. Didn't have a leg to stand on cos I've been there less than a year, it was either take a pay cut, accept the new working hours or get sacked :roll:

My employer (Somerfield) is shocking in loads of respects though when it comes to caring for their emplyees, I've never worked for such a mickey mouse company. I wouldn't shop their either, they don't treat their customers any better.

Can't you tell I love my employer! :twisted:

I worked for them too when i was younger and i loved it (i hated the checkouts though) although it was only part time and it was more the people i worked with i think. Not long till ML then you wont have to put up with anymore. Getting a discount of your shopping was good too.

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