hcG levels - scared and please give me some support...

Oh auose I am so sorry

I am going through my 4th early miscarriage now if you ever want a chat please PM me or add me to MSN.

Thinking of you x :hug:
Aw hunny Im so sorry at your news, my thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

PM me if ever you want to chat.

Take care xx
im so sorry hun,

i can understand how you feel, i had a scan at 6 weeks and was told the sac was small and the baby prob wouldnt make it, i misscarried a few days later.

life is so cruel sometimes :(

PM me if you ever need to talk hun

aouse im so so sorry. we are all here for you and thinking of you and your OH at this difficult time. :cry: :hug:
I am so sorry hun!!

Thinking of you! :hug: xx
:( Im sorry for your loss and I know how you must be feeling having gone through this myself. Be good to yourself as nothing you did caused this to happen as its genetic. I will say a prayer for you and your lost bean. ((((((((((((((((Big Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) x

Thank so much for all your kind words...

Just want to say good luck to all the ladies here and draw this thread to a stop and moving to the miscarriage area.

lots lots love!

auose xxx

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