Falling hcg levels? Worried now!

I hope u manage to get some sleep xx

I'll b thinking if u Tomoz x

Doc is gonna arrange a scan at epu when they open and give me a call when he's booked it. He said because the bleeding hasn't yet been as heavy as a period there may still be a chance and the only way to know for sure is the scan. Did another cb digi this morning and still showing 1-2 weeks. Not very hopeful seeing as this has dropped from 2-3 from the last few weeks but you never know we may be pleasantly surprised. Will let you know what happens. Xx
Doc just called, epu won't scan until 6 weeks from lmp and although this is probably conceived in the previous cycle they will only use the lmp date so I have to wait a week and see what happens. Aaahhhh!!! A week feels like forever! An even then I'd have to wait a few days for the appt. Prob gonna take today and tomorrow off work anyway and just rest and see what happens. Getting sick of the unknown :(
Well there still seems to be hope. Last night you were practically saying it's "game over". I've got everything crossed for you sweetie. I was moping round for you last night, my OH was wondering what was wrong so I told him about you. He sends his best wishes too. xxx
Thank you, yeah you never know. I just don't feel too positive. Tests are weaker, boobs have almost stopped hurting, bleeding getting heavier.... But until I've passed a lot of clots I dont think I'll know for sure. And I guess miracles do happen sometimes! Xx
Well I've had to tell work what's happened as it was starting to look odd that this water infection hadnt gone yet. May have to tell my mum tomorrow night. She's been on holiday and checking in on how I'm feeling as she knew about the infection. Keep fobbing her off with 'I'm getting there' type messages and she's fretting that i still feel ill. Dreading telling her. She'll be so upset and also shocked that we were ttc when we're getting married in October! (cries of 'that dress would never fit!')
:( cat they scan asked on your previous lmp dates? How confusing for you. Hope you're ok x
You'd think they would given the fact ive told them all about when I had intercourse and when I had the bfp but they just wanna know about the lmp. I guess they don't wanna waste time so have to use the same system for everyone.
The EPU are just waitning until they know they will be able to see something for sure (if that makes sense) if they scan you at 5 weeks they'll have to have you back anyway as at this early gestation they cannot yet tell if it is a viable pregnancy.

I had a bleed at 5 weeks with my second pregnancy and EPU told me not to come in!! It was a proper period like bleed so I knew it was over BUT still... The woman I spoke to was lovely but said there is so little they can do at 5 weeks they tend to turn women away.

I hope things work out for you hun, a little bleed doesn't have to mean the worst

Fingers crossed

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I try and think there may be a chance, that my boobs returning to normal happens to others too and it's normal, that the bleeding/cramping may just be one of those things, but still those weaker tests are nagging at me. Only time will tell I guess. Passed some clots today but only about the size of a 5p and they only seem to come out when i sit on the loo. So far I've only had 3 pads on from 6am this morning and I've just had blood on those, no clots (sorry, tmi as usual!!). Xx
Have passed some bigger clots today, about 50p size. Cramps still strong. Just wondering now how long it will take before its all out and my cycles will start again so we can start TTC once again. Xx
PS. Have asked the above questions in the miscarriage section as it seems kinda daft me talking about all this doom and gloom in here!! But any advice from either side of the fence is welcome :)

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