hcG levels - scared and please give me some support...


Jul 18, 2006
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Hi there..

I'm 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant today. My hcG count came back today and the doctor said it was low. I have had some minor spotting (brown color) since Monday morning, no pain.

The doc said it's probably a miscarrage :( I still have to do another blood test on Friday to compare the 2 results though...

We did see a healthy heartbeat 2 days ago, does that count for anything??

Are there anyone out there had similar experience - with spotting and low hcG levels but susdained a healthy pregnancy?

PLEASE PLEASE let me know - I'm going mad here :(

Many many thanks in advance!
hi, can't help you with any info - out of my depth I'm afraid... but sending you lots of hugs :hug: :hug:

I know a hearbeat does count for something babe, but it is also out of my depth too hun!

I just want to wish you the best of luck and I hope things go well, rest up and stay as calm as possible! :hug: xx
Hi auose I Have some information that may help. I started bleeding myself yesterday and have been worried as hell so I tried to look up some information on the net to see what might be the cause. And I read that 1 in 10 pregnant women bleed in the first three months and the cause can be that the body doesnt produce enough of the HCG hormone so the body still had a period and this is fine. So try to stay positive hun, the heart beat is a good sign. I cant believe your doctor was so negative. When I phoned my doctor yesterday she was really reasurring and said its perfectly common and to try not to worry. Keep us updated babe.
Thank you girls for all your messages... I feel better reading them...

I just felt really stange how could the doctor say he doesn't know the normal level should be and be convienced I'd have a miscarrige... ?

I had a huge episode of depression and water work in front of DH, I think I made him worry as well! Sign! :( Really hoping my the hcg level will NOT drop and on Sunday we still can see little bean's healthy heartbeat and growth...(touch wood and fingers Xed..)

Cat&Noah... Sorry about your bleeding... my friend had similar thing as she was 5 weeks pg and doc said it was implantation bleeding and no worries... her little son is near 2 now :)

I hope we both get through this then we can look back and laugh about what worrier ward we were :hug:

Take care and rest my dears!

lov a xxx
How do they test HGH levels? I havent had any tests yet.

Hope everything works out fine but as was said a heartbeat should count for something :)
They drew some blood from me to get the test done. Ask your doctor about it if you are worried hun, good luck!

auose xx
Just an update... I had sever cramps for about an hour last night before went to sleep, thought that was it I'm lossing my baby... but the pain stopped and I had a good night sleep instead..

Woke up this morning and no pain or anything... Went for the GP and she refered me to the hospital immidiately.

The doc in hospital examined me and said it might not be pregnancy related!! :shock: and could be the cys that in my ovary had bursted... my cervix is still closed and sent me home to rest...

Does anyone have similar expierence?

auose. xx
Blimey girl you go through some scares dont you! Are you aware if you have alarian cycts or anything? If the cramp has stoped again thats a good sign. I read that miscarrage pain is in the centre of the lower amdomen, is this where the cramping pain was or was it more to the side, which I expact an ovarin problem might be? Also are you still spotting? The fact that your cervix is closed is a good sign. It sounds like your first doctor was a bit rubbish and doesnt know a lot, and has just assumed if your bleeding then your miscarrying. I have found out some interesting information that may reasssure you today. aparently up to 25% of women bleed during the first trimester. 50% of these go on to have a heathy baby, and if a heartbeat is detected between 7-11 weeks, over 90% of these survive! So you have over 90% chance babe. When do you have any follow up on this?
Hey Cat, Thanks so much for the info! hope and preying we are that 10% lucky ones... :pray:

No I'm still spotting, the doc said he thinks there are still old blood need to come down, so don't worry too much...

Another piece of news is: my second hgG number is back and after 2 and half days, it's only raised about 100 from 6040 to 6140... I read somewhere if your hcg count is about 6000, it's not suppose to double in 3 days, but the nurse said, it does look like a miscarry... confused!!! :?

I guess we will defenitely find out on Sunday morning after the scan... (they can't get an earlier scan before that today, it's the waiting game again! Sign!)

Will keep you updated on Sunday...

Thanks so much for the reply! Take care and have a lovely weekend my dear!!

auose xx
Cat&Noah said:
I read that miscarrage pain is in the centre of the lower amdomen, is this where the cramping pain was or was it more to the side, which I expact an ovarin problem might be?

I have no idea if I had a alarian cysts (no idear what that is in fact :oops: ), in my private scan the doc said I had a cyst in my right ovary, but it's the corpus luteum he added - which suppose to be good, but why did he call it a cyst? and did that burst last night? I have no idea!

oh the pain is mainly at my lower back to the left side, not much of abdominal pain, but I do have a urter tilted backwards ... boy don't I have have the most annoyingly confusing case?!! not enjoying the waiting and confusion I have to say... :(

auose... xx
i wander if cat meant ovarian cysts? :?

Auose praying for you over the next few days hope all is well with you and your bean and please keep us updated we are here for you and we are all thinking about you, hope this is just a scare and all is well xx

:pray: :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ohhhh Auose, how you feeling babe?

Sorry you are going thru all this......that is horrible! Again, I have no experience but just want to wish you and baby well! :pray: :hug: xx
rusks said:
i wander if cat meant ovarian cysts? :?

Sorry yes I did, I just cant type!
Fingers crossed for you tomorrow babe, let us know how you get on.
I hope everything works out for you auose *Sending you buckets of good luck*.

I went through the whole HCG testing every 48 hrs a couple of months back & I am only aware in early pregnancy it should double within that 48 hours!

This link might help you (I had it in my favs);
http://www.conceivingconcepts.com/learn ... s/hcg.html

* For HCG levels 1200 to 6000 mIU/ml, the expected doubling time is 72-96 hours.

* For HCG levels >6000 mIU/ml, the expected doubling time is >96 hours

* 0-1 week: 0-50 mIU/ml
* 1-2 weeks: 40-300 mIU/ml
* 3-4 weeks: 500-6,000 mIU/ml
* 1-2 months: 5,000-200,000 mIU/ml
* 2-3 months: 10,000-100,000 mIU/ml
* 2nd trimester: 3,000-50,000 mIU/ml
* 3rd trimester: 1,000-50,000 mIU/ml
* Non-pregnant females: <5.0 mIU/ml
* Postmenopausal females: <9.5 mIU/ml
Girls, Thanks for all your kind wishes...

Wobbles, this is a really good site! thanks!!

I'm going to the scan in 2 hours time! I couldn't sleep last night and had all sorts of night mares... One of them I remember said I had 70 miscarriges! :shock:

I'm putting my hope to this scan today, hoping to see a grown embryo and healthy heartbeat :pray: :pray: :pray:

I will let you know how baby and me get on...

Thanks again ladies for all your support!!

auose xx
Hi Auose,
Just want to wish you lots and lots of luck for today
Take care
well ladies, I'm back from the scan, my baby had died... DH and me are in shock still we have to decide to have a D&C or a chemical abortion by tomorrow morning...

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