Hcg levels after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2012
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I have had 3 miscarriages. I had a miscarriage that started last Saturday it was the worst bleeding iv had out of the 3 I had. I did a test this morning and it still said pregnant on a digi which I'm wondering how it can still be in my system I have stopped bleeding and my last 2 bleeds the hcg was gone almost straight away. I still feel pregnant which is now making me question is it ectopic! I don't know what to do xx
I still had positive hpts for about 3 weeks at least i think afterwards x
Was that from an early miscarriage? X
How many weeks were you? Did you have a scan or bloods from the doctor?
I was 5-6w along when i mc.

I had stopped bleeding a week or so after. I got my hcg levels did at EPU which had fallen half in 2 days.

Pregnancy hormones left my body pretty quickly so did the pregnancy symptoms. I got a neg on a test about 2 weeks after but I hadnt tested prior to that..

I got my final bloods did last week which was 3 weeks after so I hope they are clear so I know we can TTC.

I would gets 2 sets of hcg from EPU or your nurse. I dont think theyd do much if you are getting bfns though, usually indicates the pregnancy is non existant or hormones are so low to detect.

Hope your ok, its an awful thing to go through. Your in the right place. Support here is fab!

I was 9 weeks when it started
It was incomplete and had an erpc at 12 x
I mc 2 weeks ago today, I had it confirmed at the hospital 4 days after I started bleeding and the doctor then said to do a pregnancy test in 2 weeks to make sure it says negative. I think it just takes a little time for your levels to drop back to normal.

If your really worried try to speak to your doctor or maybe ring 111? X
So sorry your going through this

I had urine tests one week apart after mmc and they were both inconclusive i then went on to have two blood tests and finally after 5weeks i got a negative result xx
Sorry to hear you're going through this, I started miscarrying on Monday, I'm getting neg tests already. It must be very hard still seeing a positive, one of mother natures cruellest ironies x
This is my 3rd early miscarriage the first 2 I got negatives within days. I was only 4 weeks with this one amd bleeding was the worst this time so to get a positive has confused me and I still have symptoms. I am going to the digital weeks test tomorrow morning to see if that has increased as the day I started bleeding(a week ago) it said 1-2 weeks so I just would of thought it would be negative now. Iv not had any bloods or anything done by the doctors as just assumed it was miscarriage and the same as the last 2 the doctor has referred me to the specialist for recurrent miscarriage. Xx
Did a digital and it said 1-2 weeks just want to get a negative now so I can get back to normal and try again. Just weird how I got a 1-2 weeks last sat and over a week on its still 1-2 weeks really nervous it's a ectopic or not all come away. I'm still having brown discharge so maybe that's why xx
Hi I have had MMC's at 10 & 11 weeks and had a D&C both times it took about 18 days for hpt to go negative, although it is earlier for you hcg rises pretty quickly at the beginning and most hpt tests are very sensitive 20mui, I think once your spotting has stopped hpt will go negative a few days later. If you have any worries ask your GP to arrange a scan to check all is ok, take care and I'm very sorry you have lost your babyxx
It might be a good idea to go to the doctor and requests bloods so that you know whats going on. You need the two tests with a couple days between so that you can see if your levels are dropping or raising and how fast. That way you will have a better idea of whats going on. It might be best to rule out an ectopic for your peace of mind. I dont want to start up false hope but not all bleeding is a MC. Digis are known for not being very accurate. Its always hard when you dont know whats going on. Hugs and keep us updated.
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I had a mc at 6 weeks last month. It was over within 2 days and a scan confirmed nothing was left. HCG levels were low to begin with when taken and fell again two days later. However it took 16 days for me to get a negative test. I used FRER and it stayed as a strong positive for a week after mc and then started to fade
Ok so I'm still getting positives after my mc which will be 2 weeks ago on Saturday I was only 4 weeks so surely it can't last this long is it possible to get retained products that early? The only other thing is that it's ectopic but the amount I bled and the clots I passed is that even possible?! I am waiting for the doctors to ring me back to see if they will do bloods to see if my hcg is decreasing. It is really messing with my head and for once I actually want a negative. Xx
Its either a new pregnancy or a remainder or hormones - could also mean that you may not have passed everything from your mc..

Your GP will need to advise with bloods.

Good luck.

It's definitely not a new pregnancy as I only miscarried 2 weeks ago and we haven't did until this morning. I'm hoping it's just hormones left in my system and taking there time to come out :-( don't think I could do with any other stress xx
Could be, some girls get positives for a few weeks. I got mine for like a week or so atleast certaintly.

I misread your other post sorry!

No they've stayed the same don't look like they've got any lighter xx

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