Having an awful time......


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Well on Monday the 10th of January, I got admitted to hospital with severe abdominal pain :). I had a massive bleed too, which I thought was my period but my period wasn't due for another 10 days.
Went to the hospital and had bloods taken, internal examination and they sent me home with dyhydracodine and an appointment for a scan and internal scan.
They sent me home with the conclusion that it is a haemorhaggic ovarian cyst. This worries me as last time I had a normal cyst, I ended up loosing an ovary, a normal cyst is filled with fluid, a haemorhaggic cyst is filled with blood.
Vie been looking at google etc and basically if it is large it will probably need to be removed, but if not they say it kind of goes away on it's own, so fingers crossed.

I have my scan today at halt 2 (26th jan). So fingers crossed the outcome is good. I'm sore nearly every day from it and been signed off from work.....which now comes the second part! I recieved a letter from my employer asking me to attend a disciplinary interview ! All because I'm Ill and been signed off work for the last 2weeks, pathetic eh? I don't want to return. I have lost the love for it and it's so shit in there, so no idea what I'm going to do there and I get a feeling she's gonna screw me around when it comes to payday :-(.

But on the up side :)
We had our appointment with the infertility woman on the 21st. I didn't loose all the weight that she wanted me too, so I was gutted thinking I wasn't gonna get the clomid, but because I have lost 9pm and continue to loose the weight slowly, she has prescribed us the clomid! I'm over the moon and a bit dumbstruck aswell tbh, I honestly thought she wasn't gonna help us.
So my OH needs to do another semen sample, I need a 21day test then we can start when my next AF arrives sometime in febuary :)
She has given us it for 3months, but obviously I need to do a 21day blood test every month to see what result I get so that the dose of clomid can get changed depending on the result. After 3months and if no joy, then I have to get a larpcoscopy :-(
If all is ok in there, no tubes blocked etc, then we are allowed to take it for another 6months and continue with the blood tests to get the correct dosage for clomid.
If however, it doesn't work in the 9months, we will need to pay full IVF and we can't as we haven't got that sort of money.

S I will apologise for not being around as much my lovelys.......just having a rough time

Hope you are all well.
I will be looking for a clomid budding come febuary :) xxx
Hey :wave:

I didn't want to read & run but my heart goes out to you :petal:

I haven't got any words to try & help but I'm thinking of you & wish you lots of luck for your appointment this afternoon :clover:

Sending you massive :hugs:

Thank u Hun.
I feel like I've been in limbo the last few weeks tbh. My OH has been supportive, but he doesn't fully understand.
Last time this sorta thing happened i lost and ovary and I'm shit scared that anything like that happens again.

All we want is a baby, to love and watch grow.....why is that so hard to get?

Hi :wave:

I'm really sorry to hear your having such a difficult time :sad: I wish you lots of luck :clover::clover: Stay strong, your amazing :hugs:xxx
Our OH do try they best don't they bless em :love: but as you said, they will never fully understand how we feel or what we are going through & that's why this forum is amazing, there is always someone to offer advice or just be there to listen to us :friends:

I'm really hoping that everything is fine for you & you are getting that lil bit closer to the :stork: you really deserve

I'll keep an eye out for your post later with how things go this afternoon :flower:

Good luck with the scan later hun,

Got everything crossed for you x x x x
Blimey hun you have been having a tough time havent you :-(

you def deserve some good news after all you have been through, I will be thinking of you today having your scan :flower:

Brilliant news about getting the clomid fingers crossed it will work quickly and you get your BFP :clover:
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Well the scan was awful :-(

When she pulled the probe thing out....it was covered in blood.....mortified! I don't get my results for another 7days tho, so I'm going to have nice long relaxing bath and try stop walking like John Wayne lol.

Thank you all for your lovely messages and support xxx
Ahh hun sorry it didnt go so well, hopefully the cyst will go away on its own and your results bring some good news.

Have a nice relaxing bath x x x x

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