Having a total meltdown.........


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hey ladies.....god Im in bits!

Had a total meltdown a couple of hours ago and the tears wont stop coming!

Im so scared! Not of having the baby and the whole induction thing...Im terrified something will go wrong and DH, DD and Ll will be here and I wont!

God where did that come from?

Ive been wrapping DD and DH birthday presents and writing their cards out Dd is on dri and Dh 26th...and it suddenly made me think OMG what if something happens and Im not here to see them open them!

God what a fruitcake but its really upset me and Ive literally cried like a sodding baby for the last hour or so!

Is this just my hormones over reacting coz I NEVER get like this.....

Sorry I was so excited now I feel so down....xxx
Aww hun I'm sure it's just the nerves kicking in. You are going to be absolutely fine and you will have all of your family together to celebrate those birthdays! Hope you start to feel excited again soon - eek little legs is on the way!!! xxx
Awww hun

Hormones do some strange things to hun huh?

You may find that your body is releasing different hormones getting it's self ready for labour which is why you are acting so out of character!

I am sure you will be fine hun - we all get wobbles every now and then - we are human after all!

Good luck! xxx
I def blame the hormones hun - ive been in like another body since my waters went and they said we would be induced - its real but not real - im so happy baby will be here by end of week - but then again its v surreal 2 and i think will i cope will it be ok - but deep down i know everything will be fine for both of us im sure !!!!
Awww hun, everything will go fine and you will be fine :) When I was in hospital they did 6 inductions a day so it's a totally standard procedure to them! I can totally understand your emotions going a bit haywire, just focus on the positive outcome - your (as yet unnamed) little legs will be in your arms so soon :) All the best xxxx
its awful having these feelings isnt it :( but im sure everything will be great and you will be home before you know it :) xxx
You will be fine sweetie :hug: :hug: and more :hug: I'm sure its natural to be apprehensive but you'll see, everything will be just fine! So so excited for you hun, can't wait to hear if you have had a girl/boy. I'm putting my bets on a girl btw :) xxx
:hug: youre going to be just fine. When youre induced they monitor you so closely, you get the gold standard of attention, if anything isnt quite right there will be a solution and they can sort it out. youre going to have your healthy baby in your arms before you know it :yay:

Good luck :hug:
I think what you are feeling is the most natural thing in the whole world - what person is not going to feel a little bit apprehensive???
I think im going to be the same - been cool as a cucumber the whole way through, and you bet im going to have some kind of flap right at the very end! As it comes closer, then it does strat to dawn on you...

Just hope you are keeping yourself busy and distracted untill you go in - its not long now - your next thread will be your birth story!
:hug: you will be fine! have you decided on names yet? and you got any feelings about what you are having boy or girl?
Oh hun. Big hug to you I can't wait not long now. X x

Oh sweetie, I was the same before having Elliot so can totally understand. Big hugs - u will be fine and holding little one with hubby and Kate with u soon!!! x x x
I'm sure it's your hormones - they do crazy things to us pregnant ladies! Blame them!! I keep worrying that something will go wrong during childbirth and something will happen to the baby. I know this is most probably very irrational and silly, but I can't help it, it's almost as though I'm mentally preparing for the worst case scenario! It's bizarre really isn't it! I too keep blaming hormones! x
I'm sure its just the hormones.
You'll and little legs will be just fine. I also agree as someone else said you'll be monitored closely which is standard for an induction.
I was the same before mine. I spent the day of my induction (had to go in for 8pm so had lots of time!) searching and ordering xmas presents I hadn't managed to organise or buy yet. Just to try and keep my mind off it. x
Thank you so much ladies youve all put my mind at rest! Im all ready now bags sorted and waiting at the door, has a lovely shower and david gave me a lovely pamper with smellies and I feel great atm and ready to take on what lies ahead!...Although still nervous of course....!

Just inase I dont get to post anymore till after LL arrives I just want to thank you all for being soooo supportive all thr way through the last few months and espcially the last few days and today while Ive been having a meltdown it mean so very much to me and Im so glad I have you all here as friends.

Well time to get sorted with last min checks, notes, etc etc and then were off......

I will be updating helen123 and shadowolf who are my lovely text buddies and when I cant do it David will be so I hope he keeps you all well updated....

So thanks again for everything ladies and me and LL (still no names lol) will be back home and posting with our birth story asap I hope.....

Love n Hugs to you all...Julia xxx
Best of luck hun, will be thinking of you xx
so excited for you :yay: good luck hun xxx
All the best Julia. Will be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing your news! x
Good luck Julia, sure all will go smoothly and you'll be back soon, hopefully with a name for bubs too!
This has made me so emotional and im not even preggers lol !!!!! I am so excited now........ you will be fine ........................................cant cant cant cant cant wait for updates!!! x

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