Having a sweep...


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Do they actually work!?! My midwife is sweeping me tomorrow as I'm now nearly a week overdue! But has it worked for any of you ladies before?! I don't want to get my hopes up if it is gonna do nothing!!! X
It worked for me but I was in early labour so might of happened anyway and it worked for my sistet

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Oooh I hope it does work, getting so uncomfortable now!! X
I've had 3 now and no luck I'm having another one on wed. Fingers crossed it works for you. Xx
i had one last wednesday at 39+4 & it didnt work :( its worth a shot though! x
Good luck with ur sweep tomorrow, I hope it works for u xx
It worked for me! I was already 1cm dilated at the time though, started getting regular contractions about 5 or 6 hrs later and was in established labour about 36hrs hrs later....it took me a while! I didn't believe they worked prior to this! Good luck, hope it works for you xx
i had two, second one worked.... or it was just a coincidence!

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
My SIL had a couple last year when she was pregnant and no look, was induced in the end.

Good luck and fx it kick starts things!! x
Hope it happens for you, the thoght of my midwife giving me a sweep made baby come lol x
With DD I had one, did nothing, then started to lose my plug on Sunday and lots more on Monday, had another sweep on Tuesday, then went into labour on Thursday, so not really sure sweep worked? May have helped things progress that had already started :) x x
I've got a sweep today also at 2pm. Really hoping it does work but we'll see. Good luck xx
Good luck to both of you on the sweeps today then, my friend is also having hers today, so fx they all work! x :)

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Had my sweep. She managed to stretch me to 2cm xx

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