Haven't felt bambino kick since Thursday


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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I'm a bit worried as I haven't felt little one kick since Thursday. Not sure what to do. Maybe LO has changed it's routine and kicks when I am asleep now?

Call your mw, a simple quick check will be done and you can relax x
Yes i agree with Cos, it will save you alot of worry, it's definitely worth a call. Good luck I'm sure all is fine xx
or run into town and buy a doppler!! assume you have tried the icy cold fizzy drink thing and lying on your side?

best to get a quick check done, thats a long time to not feel bubs. x
Call your mw, it will probably go crazy when you have a scan.

Freezing cold can of coke works for me xx
I would defo call your midwife for reassurance xxx

I called MW they said to go to hospital asap. So I have been in for a scan. Heartbeat looks good and strong but bubs would not move at all for them either. They gave me an ice water to drink and left me for 5 minutes and then scanned again. Baby moved ever so slighty 4 times in the next 5 minutes.
They said if I have anymore concerns to go back in. And to never wait 4 days again. Only 1 day!
I wish baby would have moved about like crazy for the scan. They said maybe it's been moving and I just haven't been feeling it.

Do you think I should buy a dopler? Any recommendations?

I am so glad they managed to see you and put your mind at rest - a little bit at least?

It sounds to me like you have a very lazy little bub there.

Were you feeling regular movement before Thursday?

I am so glad they managed to see you and put your mind at rest - a little bit at least?

It sounds to me like you have a very lazy little bub there.

Were you feeling regular movement before Thursday?


Since the day of my 20 week scan it has been moving every morning after breakfast and everynight when I go to bed. And now nothing. I feel slightly better but still don't feel great. I really wanted baby to start kicking about at the scan. :(
Since the day of my 20 week scan it has been moving every morning after breakfast and everynight when I go to bed. And now nothing. I feel slightly better but still don't feel great. I really wanted baby to start kicking about at the scan. :(

I totally understand hun, but maybe you can try to look at it a different way.

The hospital tried all the tricks in the book to get bub moving and it didn't really work so at least you know bub is quiet for everyone (but importantly you also know bub is safe)

Maybe see how you get on over the next few days - try various things? choccie, cold coke, laying on your side?

See what works.

I am sure bub is just resting before a growth spurt so I reckon soon enough you'll be feeling lots of movement again

Thanks hun :) I pray all is fine and that I am just worrying when I don't need to. I just had some lemonade no luck yet. Maybe I should get a doppler for peace of mind?

I would def get a doppler if you think it will help!

It will be worth it to put your mind at rest

Thanks hun :) I pray all is fine and that I am just worrying when I don't need to. I just had some lemonade no luck yet. Maybe I should get a doppler for peace of mind?


Glad baby is ok. I have a Doppler and love it. But at the same time there comforting yes, but there for fun I think anyway. If I never felt my baby move Doppler or not id be straight to the midwife for a check. We're not medically trained to know what we're listening to and if what were hearing is ok.xx
I have a doppler and its reassured me when LO has been quiet so it might help you, they are cheap on eBay. Also my LO has never kicked up a storm during scans, it is really lazy but I have now recognised a routine now so feel less worried. You will too once the weeks go by and baby is bigger.

Most importantly baby is safe, really happy your hospital was efficient and looked after you :)

I have a doppler and its reassured me when LO has been quiet so it might help you, they are cheap on eBay. Also my LO has never kicked up a storm during scans, it is really lazy but I have now recognised a routine now so feel less worried. You will too once the weeks go by and baby is bigger.

Most importantly baby is safe, really happy your hospital was efficient and looked after you :)


Thanks hun, I wasn't going to get one but maybe I will now. I have a bit of travel coming up soon so will be good to take away with me. Which doppler do you use?
I hope the movements become really strong soon so that I know when I am feeling movements. Mum said my brother and I were both very lazy and she hardly ever felt movement so maybe my baby is following after me and being lazy too.

I sure your glad you called in the end , I think CarNat is probly right bubs is resting before a growth spurt , did the sonographer say anything about bubs size? They can go quiet for awhile sometimes but it does make us worry little rascals . Glad you've had some reassurance now. xx
I sure your glad you called in the end , I think CarNat is probly right bubs is resting before a growth spurt , did the sonographer say anything about bubs size? They can go quiet for awhile sometimes but it does make us worry little rascals . Glad you've had some reassurance now. xx

No she didn't mention the size. I had my 20 weeks scan a few weeks ago and they said then that bubs is measuring a week bigger so size is 23 weeks but my dates are only 22 weeks. I sure hope LO has just been resting for a few days and I start to feel it kick again soon. I would like some really strong ones please:)

Lady at work just told me a horrible story about someone she knew went in for a scan as hadn't felt movement for a few days and the scan showed up fine, then 3 days later she had a still birth.:cry: Not the story I wanted to hear today!

Oh no not what you wanna hear at the moment , she wasn't very thoughful was she ? I'm sure your LO will be banging around again real soon , try not to worry too much . Do get a doppler if you can and you feel it will help .xx
Oh ffs! Why is it everyone has to tell scared or worried pregnant women horror stories???!!!! Pisses me off. Take no notice, trust your instincts and ring your mw or the triage if ever you feel the need to hunny, even if it's something you can't quite put your finger on. The last week of my pregnancy was terrible and I was on the phone or up there just about every day. That's what they are there for :hug: xxxxxxxxxx

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