Have you gotten pregnant even though you have a short luteal phase?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Right first THE facts;

AF started 7th of April last time, I'm due 5th of May as I have a 28 day cycle...

I'm pretty sure I either ovulated between Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th...

Do I have a short lutual phase and has anyone you know had this and still got pregnant/had a healthy pregnancy?
You might find luteal phase is a normal length and AF will be a few days later this month. I think anything over 10 days is ok but if less than 12 days some doctors get concerned. I think mine is 11 days so I'd be interested to responses to the last part of your question.
thanks for your response hun, to be honest, i'm panicking I sound so pathetic but until a lady on here mentioned I didn't know a short luteal phase was bad so i'm really concerned, I hope your right and period starts late to make up over the time between ovulation and AF :(
Heya hunni, you may be better of posting this in the pregnancy chat section xx
I'm also curious in the answer as my LP this month was 11 days...
I've posted it but no one seems to be answering.

I'm really worried, like I know I sound sad and that but I've even cried to my OH... I honestly didnt know a short luteal phase was bad and it explains how I miscarried when I was almost 10 weeks.
A sort luteal phase would make it difficult for you to get pregnant in the first place because it would make implantation difficult as there is not enough progesterone about.

You managed to get pregnant so you must have had enough progesterone for implantation to take place. Unfortunately MC are (far too) common, so it could have happened for all sorts of reasons. Believe it or not it was good news that you were able to get pregnant (sorry it ended sadly :()

However I too would like to know if anyone has had short luteal phase issues and what they did to overcome the issue. Maybe the ladies in the Long Term TTC & Fertility Issues section? My luteal phase is barelt 10 days long so I'm a bit anxious about it.

Hey Jelly I could be wrong (Louise B or one of the other ttc genius girls please:help:) but a short luteal phase wouldn't cause a miscarriage at 10 weeks it would cause chemical pregnancy as the womb lining would break down before implantation could complete. In fact I think Louise has posted an explanation saying something like that on another post today (called something like luteal phase) see if you can find it because she explains things much better than me.
Yeah but my cycles totally changed since miscarriage I was average before my luteal phase was 14 days everytime, but since I miscarried everythings mucked up :( xx
I don't think it would cause a miscarriage and i agree with the ladies that the fact you got pregnant is a really good sign.

There really isn't much to be gained from worrying until you can get some OPKs :hug:
I think if you have a short luteal phase the Gp can give you drugs to lengthen it. Don't quote me but certainly going and ask your Doctor about it as I think it def is an issue, albeit one that is easy to fix!

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